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JAKE and HEATH-- REINVENTED!! Calling All Gyllenhaalic!!! C

0操作421 #
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06-02-14 14:00操作
Anybody watched CNN's Showbiz Tonight last night? Jake was interviewed during his oscar nominees' luncheon.
0操作422 #
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06-02-14 17:11操作
i didn't... is it good?
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06-02-14 18:26操作
以下是引用anzi在2006-2-14 17:11:00的发言:
i didn't... is it good?

yeah, as always, only shorter, i mean the interview is shorter

0操作424 #
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06-02-14 21:24操作
以下是引用buttercup在2006-2-14 14:00:00的发言:
Anybody watched CNN's Showbiz Tonight last night? Jake was interviewed during is oscar nominees' luncheon.

Waving hands in the air~~~~~~

I did. Jake looked a bit tired. But he still had great composures and gave a great interview as he always does/did.

0操作425 #
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06-02-14 21:27操作

Did anyone watch Heath on Ellen's show?

It was the best TV appearance for Heath so far.

He was more relaxed and funny.

I love Ellen. She has great personality and gets along with everyone.

I notice that every guest on her show is having fun and can be himself/herself, unlike on some other talk shows.

0操作426 #
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06-02-14 22:53操作
以下是引用bbcat在2006-2-14 21:27:00的发言:

Did anyone watch Heath on Ellen's show?

It was the best TV appearance for Heath so far.

He was more relaxed and funny.

I love Ellen. She has great personality and gets along with everyone.

I notice that every guest on her show is having fun and can be himself/herself, unlike on some other talk shows.

no, i didn't get a chance. i wonder where i can see it, maybe youtube.com?

0操作427 #
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06-02-14 22:58操作
以下是引用bbcat在2006-2-14 21:24:00的发言:

Waving hands in the air~~~~~~

I did. Jake looked a bit tired. But he still had great composures and gave a great interview as he always does/did.


i know. i mean, he was okay during the interview, but he didn't look happy while having his pictures taken. poor guy!

is Zodiac still in production? i wonder what the director would say when jake tells him that he needs to take off for the luncheon, for the special screening with Q&A session (last night), and for the British oscars ...

0操作428 #
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06-02-15 01:21操作
以下是引用buttercup在2006-2-14 22:53:00的发言:

no, i didn't get a chance. i wonder where i can see it, maybe youtube.com?

yeah! I watched it on youtube.com

You just type in keyword: heath , ellen....you'll find it

0操作429 #
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06-02-15 01:23操作
以下是引用buttercup在2006-2-14 22:58:00的发言:

i know. i mean, he was okay during the interview, but he didn't look happy while having his pictures taken. poor guy!

is Zodiac still in production? i wonder what the director would say when jake tells him that he needs to take off for the luncheon, for the special screening with Q&A session (last night), and for the British oscars ...

yeah, i wonder,too...I guess Fincher won't be too happy to let Jake going to so many events irrevelent to Zodiac, especially all these are promoting BBM, not his movie....[em01]

0操作430 #
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06-02-15 01:56操作

wk, look at this!! I can't believe it


Brokeback Mountain Star, Jake Gyllenhaal is ready to get back into the saddle and look for love reports Celebrity Weekly Star Magazine

Last year, Jake was said to be distraught afte spilting from Kirsten Dunst . The Hollywood couple starting dating after being introduced by Jake's actress sister, Maggie, who co-starred with Kirsten in 'Mona Lisa Smile'.

At the time, Jake confessed his love for Kirsten, saying: "She's the only girl for me", and even claimed he was desperate to make a movie with her.

Kirsten, who has previously dated her 'Spider-Man' co-star Tobey Maguire, also appeared to be smitten, saying last month: "I am really happy and in love."

Jake now has a “major crush” on beautiful Memoirs of a Geisha actress, Ziyi Zhang, 27, says an insider. Unfortunatrly for Jake, busy schedules and language are barriers to a hook up. Jake remain hopeful about his dating prospects. “He knows he’s got a lot of other options now that he is ready to date again,” says the source. Party girls like his ex Kirsten Dunst need not apply.

0操作431 #
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06-02-15 10:07操作
OMG~~~ I can see Jake dating a Chinese girl, it's quite possible given we over here like him so much... but hopefully not Zhangziyi.................sigh~~~
0操作432 #
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06-02-15 13:36操作
以下是引用bbcat在2006-2-15 1:56:00的发言:

wk, look at this!! I can't believe it


Jake now has a “major crush” on beautiful Memoirs of a Geisha actress, Ziyi Zhang, 27, says an insider. Unfortunatrly for Jake, busy schedules and language are barriers to a hook up.

NO WAY!!! do you remember the picture at the SAG with Jake, Ang, and Ziyi? he wasn't even looking at her, nor did he show any interest in her. i mean, he didn't stand close to her. i really don't believe that he's intersted in her. who's the insider? actually, i remember seeing an article about ziyi a couple of months ago in which said she's interested in jake. not sure if she's interested in dating jake, or she's interested in working with him.

0操作433 #
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06-02-15 13:38操作
以下是引用anzi在2006-2-15 10:07:00的发言:
OMG~~~ I can see Jake dating a Chinese girl, it's quite possible given we over here like him so much... but hopefully not Zhangziyi.................sigh~~~

i agree with this

0操作434 #
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06-02-15 17:04操作
以下是引用bbcat在2006-2-15 1:21:00的发言:

yeah! I watched it on youtube.com

You just type in keyword: heath , ellen....you'll find it


just watched it. pretty fun. i think heath did better in this than in jay leno's. i love the gift to his baby [em06][em06][em06]cute cute cute[em08][em08][em08]

0操作435 #
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06-02-16 01:18操作
i guess none of us went to the special screening and Q&A session in aero monday night. in case someone is interested as i am, i am gonna ZT some of the posts from IMDB about the details.
0操作436 #
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06-02-16 01:18操作

by - johntracytb5 1 day ago (Tue Feb 14 2006 00:14:31 )

Ignore this User | Report Abuse
UPDATED Tue Feb 14 2006 11:10:53

Just running in the door from tonight's screening at the Aero Theater in Santa Monica, but I wanted to file off a quickie report. Firstly, Ang Lee couldn't make it because of the big blizzard back East; he was trapped in Connecticut. However, he was amply made up for by the likes of Heath Ledger, Michelle Williams, Jake Gyllenhaal, Diana Ossana, Gustavo Santaolalla and cinematographer Rodrigo Prieto, all of whom were absolutely gracious. I didn't take notes and I'm sure that someone will ably fill in all of the details as they get home, but let me just say that Jake is so cute and funny in person and Heath gave some very thoughtful answers regarding his role (and is quite handsome as well). Jake also sang a bit of a disco tune for us (a little bit of "Night Fever" in which he tried to sound like Barry Gibb!), spurred on by the funky old microphone he was given. (He said it was a "'70s" microphone, hence the disco reference)!

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-16 12:40:43编辑过]

0操作437 #
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06-02-16 01:19操作
Questions were asked about how they approached their roles and about how Diana came to write the script. She addressed how difficult it had been to watch it bounce around from studio to studio for the better part of seven years. Gustavo told us that he'd written the score from the script long before any footage was shot (which is a rarity, really, since most composers score based on the visuals as opposed to composing based on the words---but he really "saw" the script come to life as he'd read it, which the viewer can easily tell). He said that upon hearing it, Ang Lee assumed it had been written for a previous project and had wished it were available for this film! (He got a collective laugh on that one)! Obviously, Lee recognized immediately just how perfect a score it was for his film. And, of course, someone just HAD to ask about "the kissing" and about the ending and if Ennis really knew what had happened to Jack. I loved Jake's response to that, which was that we live in this literal world which expects a concrete explanation and answer to everything under the sun and that there are times when that isn't necessary. (In other words, it's up to the viewer to interpret). Perfect answer indeed!

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-16 12:50:28编辑过]

0操作438 #
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06-02-16 01:19操作
Also, as I mentioned in a different thread: Jake talked about dealing with this sadness syndrome which so many of us experience after seeing the film, a sentiment with which I'm sure everyone there could relate. Here's someone who had to experience and portray the desperation of being Jack Twist and he's had to relive that with each screening of the film he's attended. He mentioned that it's difficult for him to have to view the final scenes of the movie, yet these actors are normally brought in for the panel discussions during that point in the film, often forcing him to have to view it. That really touched me because I've found that while I can get through the rest, the final sequences are the toughest part for me to get through as well. He was very honest about his feelings on this and it was truly touching. Both Jake and Heath talked about how very masculine their characters were, as befitting the script and the original story, and that the story wouldn't have worked any other way. Heath talked about personifying that rough and tough cowboy image and how he used body language (the speaking through clenched teeth with balled-up fists and arched shoulders, and the violence with which his character dealt with situations) to convey Ennis' pent up rage and frustration.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-16 12:49:55编辑过]

0操作439 #
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06-02-16 01:19操作
Michelle was asked about why it took Alma so long to part from Ennis after catching his kiss with Jack. Her response mentioned Alma's dire circumstances---poverty, having two children to raise and no prospects of anything better at the time. (And both she and Heath mentioned Ennis' violent streak and Michelle figured that for yet another reason why Alma wouldn't have wanted to confront Ennis any sooner). What irked me was the way in which she was asked the question, with the moderator remarking something to the effect of "...the audience likes her, but we're not supposed to like her TOO much..." And there's me saying, "Excuse you?!" [I not only "like" Alma but feel extreme sorrow for her! No matter how much we are meant to sympathize with Jack and Ennis (and of course I do), Alma is certainly an innocent in this and a sympathetic character...but I digress.] After that answer, Michelle really didn't have anything else to say and everything else was directed mainly at Jake and Heath, except for one gentleman who commented on how wonderful Santaolalla's score is. Another person summed it all up by remarking on what a gift this film is to the world. (Too right)!

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-16 12:47:07编辑过]

0操作440 #
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06-02-16 01:20操作
All of us walking in received the press book that went out in the Daily Variety last week---score! And, happily, it appeared that several people who had come in need of a ticket were lucky enough to get in after all. I was really glad to see that folks who had come all the way from San Francisco, Chicago and other distances were able to experience this evening's moving panel discussion. Didn't get any photos, since they'd given us a stern warning about no photos or autographs and had big, stern-looking guards on either side of the stage. Nevertheless, the second we had thanked the panel for their appearance, some woman streaked forward and mobbed Jake, much to the security guard's shock. I lost sight of what happened next, but he appeared to be signing an autograph as I turned to leave. My sis and I had a bit of trouble navigating the driveway, which was advantageous because Heath and Michelle were trying to exit through it in their SUV at the time. My sis had to take it slowly because she's just had hip replacement surgery and it's an uneven walkway, but Heath was very nice and patient about it and even smiled and nodded to us (which WAS nice, because I'm sure he wanted to floor it before people mobbed the car)!

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-16 12:48:20编辑过]
