喜欢用英文,动不动就you girls。。。这个很好猜了吧。。。
I am using his computer right now.
I am scared, very scared.
Please please delete quoted text.
I am using his computer right now.
I am scared, very scared.
Please please delete quoted text.
I am using his computer right now.
I am scared, very scared.
Please please delete quoted text.
I do not want my friends or family to find out this past story.
Please please please delete the post.
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 3.0.6
I do not want my friends or family to find out this past story.
Please please please delete the post.
I do not want my friends or family to find out this past story.
Please please please delete the post.
I do not want my friends or family to find out this past story.
Please please please delete the post.
I do not want my friends or family to find out this past story.
Please please please delete the post.
I am scared now.
For the sake of my family, please ask Sha Mei to delete the quoted text.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/1 1:03:23编辑过]