以下是引用弯弯了了在2009-4-14 22:31:00的发言:
if as a pharmacist, theoretically, I will tell you the following:
if you miss 2 pills in the first week of your cycle, take 2 pills the first day you remember it, and take 2 pills the next day. after that take 1 pill each day until you finish the whole pack. use secondary birth control method for 7 days if you have sex.
bottom line: 2 pill for 2 days if you miss 2 doses in the first week.
另外,为什么你今天想起来,不今天马上吃,非要等到明天呢?今天吃两粒,明天就可以按正常剂量,不用double up了啊。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-4-14 23:34:57编辑过]