MM, don't worry. My husband and I are both couple of years younger than you two, and it took us 11 month to get pregnant! I almost gave up, and made an infertility consultant appointment at the end of the 11th month, and found out that I got it!! We didn't do anything special for the numerous "baby-making homework", and you just never know!
Be relax and you'll get it eventually. Good luck!
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-12-6 18:49:19编辑过]
MM, I totally undertand your frustration because I went through similar things before.
My suggestion would be:
1) see a good infertility specialist to prepare for the worst case (IVF). These doctors belong to reproductive endocrinology. If your period is irregular, there is a good chance that you might ovulate regularly.
2)relax and have faith in yourself and the modern technology.
3) ask your husband to eat oysters when you ovulate. I read on internet that oysters can increase sperm count. I don't know whether it is true. We tried this way, and I got pregnant (I also took drugs to induce ovulation so I knew for sure I was ovulating those days).
I told a friend of mine who was trying for a few years and she got pregnant too!!! She thinks the oysters made a big difference!
Good luck to you!!!
Sorry for the typos in the previous post.
My doctor said if your period is irregular, there is a good chance you might NOT ovulate regularly. He mentioned a disease called polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) that is related to this. Here is a link for more information:
Also, he said a lot of women don't respond to clomid. I don't know why your doctor gave you clomid while saying everything is normal with you. Maybe you should see a better doctor and ask for a differnent drug.
bless mm。 有时欲速而不达呀,心情放轻松反而容易怀上。
Agree! I was about to say the same thing!
From what I read in books, generally if you tried for 6 months and didn't conceive, you then go to a doctor for advanced treatment. Don't scare yourself by putting you in such unessary treatment.
Bless and good luck!
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