jack终于跟着线索找到了kim 和teri被关押的地方,在nick的帮助下死里逃生
some quotes
- Jack Bauer: I have killed two people since midnight. I haven't slept in over 24 hours. So maybe you should be a little more afraid of me than you are now.
- Jack Bauer: You don't believe me, do you? If I were you, I wouldn't believe me either.
Jack Bauer: I used to be in the military. Used to do field work for the CIA. I've been to some horrible places. I've seen some pretty terrible things. I don't think I've ever been this scared in my whole life.
Jack Bauer: Son, part of getting a second chance is taking responsibility for the mess you made in the first place. You understand me?
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-6 11:37:31编辑过]