Yeah! They are GREAT! I was moved to tears last night after watching their performance. Really proud of them!
didn't watch, but i heard she fell pretty badly :( ... such a brave girl!
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-14 13:18:11编辑过]
我最喜欢看花样滑冰了, 尤其是中国选手的
me, too. i love to watch the chinese atheles and the russians.
Actually, I think 庞清/佟健(Pang Qing/Tong Jian) did pretty well yesterday, except for the opening. They were perfect in the last 2/3 of their performance. Actually, I believe that they did better than Zhang/Zhang and Shen/Zhao, but the other two pairs got sympathy points because of what they've been through for the past or during the competetion. I am not saying that Zhang/Zhang or Shen/Zhao do not deserve their medals. They sure do. I just regret for Pang/Tong.
so pround of them!!
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