以下是引用rabbit66在3/27/2012 7:31:00 PM的发言:
Is "tatanic" 三级? Kate winsley completely naked there. Is "the reader" and "little children" 三级? Kate winsley naked in those movies too. Is "shake spear in love" 三级? Is "brokeback mountain" 三级? Is "black swan" 三级?
Some chinese like using term "三级女星" to attack actresses naked in a film. I think they are using a vague concept to attack. They are implying actresses naked in a film are all "三级女星", are all porn star, which obviously not true.
你知道PG13 R NC17不同分级要求么, 别拿着小裸就药物药流的。。。你说的那些。。有印象的就是在米国断背山是R(其实这些感觉应该都是pg13或者R)。。。他们都不是NC17片。 色戒在米国就是NC17.. . 香港好像就1,2,3 , 3级的就是不让未成年人看。。。如果按照不让未成年看的标准cross walk一下,也差不多就是NC17....我之前说了,香港三级不光是很赤裸的很暴力血腥变态等等都是三级来的。。。 别总举一大堆电影名好像多怎么怎么一样。。。没吃过果梨还没见过照片么。。。