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JAKE and HEATH-- REINVENTED!! Calling All Gyllenhaalic!!! C

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06-02-07 11:11操作
以下是引用buttercup在2006-2-6 17:43:00的发言:

Did any of you ever thought that Jake looked like Tobey Maguire (the guy in Spider Man)? I never thought so, but it seemed like some people did.

Here is an intersting discussion I saw regarding this matter:

"I remember watching him in early movies and thinking: he's good, but he looks just like Tobey Maguire.

And for the next few years, thinking: poor guy, he's never gonna get out from under Tobey Maguire's shadow, he'll always just be a second-string Tobey...

Nowadays, it's like: Tobey who?"

You know, I honestly did think he carries a bit of resemblance to Tobey Maguire. It might just be that they are both boyish looking with big dark brown eyes and brown hair. And it might also be that Kirstan Dunst dated Tobey first, so she could have had a similiar taste in men. But I didn't think Jake would live in the shadow of Tobey M, since Tobey was never that huge anyway. Actually Jake was almost casted to play SpiderMan in the Spiderman sequal, that could be another cause for people to think they are alike. Tobey is cute, but Jake is more than just cute, he has something in his eyes that is so deep.

I loved his appearance on the Tonight show with Jay Leno, expecially before they were about to show the BB clip, he was like, "...in this clip..we are getting on!" and then quckily turned to the audience with a smile and said "Everybody is like..What?" :D :D so silly...

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-7 11:30:54编辑过]

0操作282 #
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06-02-07 17:39操作

Never thought so. They two are so different.

Maybe because of Kristan Dunst, they somehow got connected?

0操作283 #
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06-02-07 19:40操作

I saw somewhere that Jake talked about people mistakenly recognized as Tobey. He explained that he's not at the first couple of encounters, but he decided not to explain anything later on. So, when people see him and ask "hi, I love Spiderman. Was it difficult to make?" He goes like "oh, great! it was fun to make." something like this. haha.

however, i never never thought that they were alike.

btw, i thought kirsten dated jake first, and then tobey. but i may be wrong.

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06-02-07 22:29操作
以下是引用bbcat在2006-2-6 14:40:00的发言:

so cute!! I love the Gyllenhaals!!!!!

Maggie is very specially. She's the kind of actress that should belong to the 30's. Very retro~~

I think she'd be great in some black and white film, espeically silent film!!


i agree with you on this.

0操作285 #
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06-02-08 00:04操作

Let's see.. Spiderman was out in 2002, so Kirstan must have dated Tobey before that since they had already broken up by the time the movie was released.. and then she met Jake through Maggie.. and thought , wow he looks like Tobey..lol

What was Maggie "famous" for besides the fact that she played a semi-main character in "Mona Lisa's smile"? I never saw her before... and only recently I found out that Jake was the "BubbleBoy"??!! I always thought it was played by the guy who is in "Loser" and "American Pie"....poor Jake didn't have much uniquness before BB...or maybe I just never noticed him...

And, he looked really different in Donnie Darko, such a teenager! But he was already 20 or 21 at that time, and why did he look so short? did he grow taller ?.. this person can look really different from time to time..

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-8 0:10:39编辑过]

0操作286 #
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06-02-08 01:33操作
以下是引用anzi在2006-2-8 0:04:00的发言:

Let's see.. Spiderman was out in 2002, so Kirstan must have dated Tobey before that since they had already broken up by the time the movie was released.. and then she met Jake through Maggie.. and thought , wow he looks like Tobey..lol

What was Maggie "famous" for besides the fact that she played a semi-main character in "Mona Lisa's smile"? I never saw her before... and only recently I found out that Jake was the "BubbleBoy"??!! I always thought it was played by the guy who is in "Loser" and "American Pie"....poor Jake didn't have much uniquness before BB...or maybe I just never noticed him...

And, he looked really different in Donnie Darko, such a teenager! But he was already 20 or 21 at that time, and why did he look so short? did he grow taller ?.. this person can look really different from time to time..

maggie was in a movie named "secretary". her performance in that movie was praised by a lot of critics. the movie is a little weird, though. it's about SM.

i always wonder why jake looked so young in the day after tomorrow, and then suddenly all grown-up in BBM. the 2 movies were shot only about 2 years apart. then i saw october sky, which was shot when he was 18, but he looked like 14 or 15. i think he's totally transformed after the movie the day after tomorrow, in appearance. though, i can still find some boyish looks from him nowadays, such as his SAG appearance when introducing BBM on stage. most of the time, he looks so mature.

btw, i think jake's voice is so sexy. does anyone agree with me? i hear from people who say that his voice is weird, and i don't get it. i think it's really sexy, especially in Jarhead.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-8 1:42:21编辑过]

0操作287 #
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06-02-08 09:46操作

jake gyllenhaal by Steffan Hill


[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-8 9:50:24编辑过]

0操作288 #
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06-02-08 10:00操作


Jake by Nicolas Guerin

Click Color Portraits, then view the slide show.


[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-8 10:00:34编辑过]

0操作289 #
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06-02-08 10:37操作
'Now it gets more complicated'
OSCAR PROFILE: Jake Gyllenhaal courts controversy in 'Brokeback Mountain'

By Bob Strauss, Film Writer

Top Nominations:
Best Picture
Best Actor
Best Actress

Related Articles:
"Brokeback" leads nominations
How the nominees found out
Quotes from the stars
Complete list of nominees

Maybe it was growing up in a show-business family that taught Jake Gyllenhaal and his older sister, Maggie, that taking risks was the way to get ahead.

Or maybe it just comes naturally. Whichever, Jake is breaking out this year due primarily to two demanding and controversial movies, Ang Lee's gay romance, "Brokeback Mountain," and Sam Mendes' nihilistic Gulf War drama, "Jarhead." "What's the world without controversy?" says the actor, 25, who just a few years ago was playing jailbait for older women in the likes of "The Good Girl" and "Lovely & Amazing."

"I would not want to be in a movie that didn't stir up people's opinions. The only problem I have is when people make opinions before they've seen something. Judgment before experience is something that is a fault of mine and a fault of a lot of people that I know, and I do not think it's a good thing in myself.

"When people see these movies, they'll see what they're about. But yeah, after they see them, they may have opinions."

Indeed, when "Jarhead" came out, complaints ranged from it being too negative a comment on our military to it not taking a stand at all regarding the current war in Iraq.

"Brokeback," nominated for seven Oscars, has kept its marketers awake nights worrying whether a serious physical and emotional relationship between two Wyoming cowboys, Gyllenhaal's Jack Twist and Heath Ledger's Ennis Del Mar, can find mainstream acceptance in a culture currently at extremes of unprecedented acceptance of and deep discomfort with homosexuality.

Gyllenhaal wasn't primarily interested in causing a stir, though. He just wanted to be in the best love story he'd read in a long time. "Brokeback" is based on an acclaimed short story by "The Shipping News" author Annie Proulx, and was adapted by Pulitzer Prize-winning Western novelist Larry McMurtry and his frequent collaborator Diana Ossana.

"Did it change my perspective on gay cowboys?" Gyllenhaal asks rhetorically as he wades into a barrage of rhetorical questions about the film's sexuality. "It's very hard to make this movie experience into a literal one. It's about the struggles of two people dealing with intimacy, to me. You don't have this ideal idea of love like you see in movies all the time. That thing like: It's supposed to happen between these two people, particularly a guy and a girl - and when he gets the girl at the end, the whole thing is all good.

"But this puts it in an environment where we've never seen it before. I think you walk out of this film feeling devastated in a lot of ways - but also feeling a real sense of benevolence."

Fine and dandy. But what most people are asking about is doing love scenes with Ledger.

"What I'm really interested in is why so many people are interested in how different it is," Gyllenhaal says with a hearty laugh. "And most of them are men! But I can't really tell you, except to say that it was an exfoliating experience, and one that I will do to service a film, maybe, but definitely not in my real life."

Exfoliating? Fair enough. But now answer the question.

"We didn't really rehearse it at all," the actor says with a more tentative chuckle. "We talked about it, I guess, a little bit. But on the day, there was a lot of choreography. It was a lot like whenever I'm doing a love scene with a woman in a movie. They have a particularly hard time not being objectified, so when you're working with them, it's always like, 'I'm gonna put my hand here, I'm gonna go here ...'

"It was very much the same thing. I think both Heath and I have worked with women in the past like that, so we worked with each other that way. ... It was like a dance, you know?"

Gyllenhaal actually gets more flustered when asked about the bisexual Jack's first romantic encounter with his future wife Lureen, played with evident gusto by all-grown-up "Princess Diaries" star Anne Hathaway.

"Oh, now it gets more complicated," he says, this time actually blushing. "It's easier for me to answer the questions about the scenes with Heath. Anne's a very beautiful girl, that's all I can say. Yeah, that's ... uh ... she's a very, very beautiful girl. She's ... very beautiful."

The actor can be similarly reticent about real-life relationships. After dating for a few years, Gyllenhaal and actress Kirsten Dunst reportedly broke up in the summer of 2004. Yet they've repeatedly been spotted together since.

"It's something that I even hate to talk about, because nobody really understands what goes on between two people, anyway," Dunst told U in the fall of 2004.

"I don't think anybody understands what anybody's relationship is, except for the people who are in the relationship," Gyllenhaal responds when asked to clarify.

On most other topics, Gyllenhaal is forthcoming to an almost aggressive degree. Take a recent report that he got a little too aggressive in an emotion-charged scene during "Jarhead," during which he chipped a tooth and came to actual blows with another actor.

"I love Jake's performance," says Anthony Swofford, the third-generation Marine who wrote the book the movie is based on and who Gyllenhaal plays. "It's thoughtful, introspective, rough, brash, conflicted ... and those are things that I was."

So, is there a dark, angry side to the usually sweet and sunny Gyllenhaal?

"I don't know," he muses. "If you don't know it yet, you'll know it soon. Hopefully,I'll play roles where all that stuff comes out. Darkness is a pretty broad word. I don't know what that is. But there are many more sides than I've shown in films up to this point. I'm not done yet.

"I'm just not the type of person who can really hold it in," Gyllenhaal admits. "You ask any of my friends. Unless it's a very important secret or something they really need me to hold onto, I'm the first person to be, like, 'No, wait, I'm really feeling this, and I need you to know.' "

This was demonstrated when, after waiting many anxious weeks to learn if he was in the running for the "Jarhead" job, Gyllenhaal phoned director Mendes in the dead of night to make an impassioned pitch for himself.

"I did call Sam at 2 in the morning to tell him why I wanted the part and was right for it," Gyllenhaal confirms, with no apologies. "Some have said, well, not a lot of young people would have had opportunities like that. But to me, it's the family business. If my parents did something else, I would probably be doing that, too. It just so happens that this is a kind of adored profession. And I adore it, but it's no different to me - in an odd way, and I know that it's hard for other people to think that - than any other family business."

Stephen Gyllenhaal directs both quality television and independent films, two of which - "A Dangerous Woman" and "Homegrown" - his son has appeared in. Naomi Foner Gyllenhaal has scripted several of her husband's films as well as the widely praised "Running on Empty" and the current release "Bee Season."

As for Maggie, she played her brother's sister in the surreal, indie coming-of-age hit "Donnie Darko" and has her own resume of provocative films such as "Secretary," "Adaptation" and "Confessions of a Dangerous Mind." They were also in some of their father's films together, and Maggie's boyfriend, Peter Sarsgaard, co-starred in "Jarhead."

It all adds up to an unusually close actors' support network.

"When I'm doing a movie, I'll finish a take and think, 'What would Maggie think if she saw that choice? Would she think it was interesting?' " Gyllenhaal says. "And I feel the same way about Peter. In terms of acting, I kind of group the two of them in that same category. I wonder, if they saw that, would they buy it, or would they know that I was pushing it or whatever? That's what was cool about working with Peter. He knows all the B.S., and we learned a lot about each other that we hadn't known before."

Gyllenhaal is currently working with Robert Downey Jr. and Mark Ruffalo on the true-life police procedural "Zodiac." How controversial that will end up being remains to be seen, but its director, David Fincher, has certainly caused commotions with films such as "Fight Club" and "Se7en" in the past.

Whatever complaints may come, Gyllenhaal remains flat-out giddy about where his career is at right now.

"Oh, without a doubt," he says with his broadest grin of all. "I mean, come on - it's not so often that you get to work with Ang Lee, Sam Mendes, John Madden (whose 'Proof' Gyllenhaal also appeared in this fall) and David Fincher within a short period of time. It's an embarrassment of riches. I don't expect that things like this come very often. So I have every intention to enjoy it - the good and the bad, really."

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06-02-08 13:03操作
以下是引用buttercup在2006-2-8 1:33:00的发言:

maggie was in a movie named "secretary". her performance in that movie was praised by a lot of critics. the movie is a little weird, though. it's about SM.

i always wonder why jake looked so young in the day after tomorrow, and then suddenly all grown-up in BBM. the 2 movies were shot only about 2 years apart. then i saw october sky, which was shot when he was 18, but he looked like 14 or 15. i think he's totally transformed after the movie the day after tomorrow, in appearance. though, i can still find some boyish looks from him nowadays, such as his SAG appearance when introducing BBM on stage. most of the time, he looks so mature.

btw, i think jake's voice is so sexy. does anyone agree with me? i hear from people who say that his voice is weird, and i don't get it. i think it's really sexy, especially in Jarhead.

Jake has a boyish cute voice.......... 他人缘很好,好像小时候就跟那帮明星认识, 是个人见了他都说,我看他长大的。这孩子真是可爱至极啊。。。我想poke his face softly..wahaha 其实之前看jar head没觉得这人怎么特殊,就一年轻男演员呗,有点像孙悟空。。看完bb以后,有一种感觉, 觉得自己是男是女都得爱上他。。。我觉得他把感情戏处理得特别细腻。。。心疼,委屈,欢乐,惆怅,居然都能演出来。。。对于好莱坞演员或者白人来说很不常见。。

0操作291 #
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06-02-08 13:25操作
以下是引用buttercup在2006-2-8 1:33:00的发言:

maggie was in a movie named "secretary". her performance in that movie was praised by a lot of critics. the movie is a little weird, though. it's about SM.

i always wonder why jake looked so young in the day after tomorrow, and then suddenly all grown-up in BBM. the 2 movies were shot only about 2 years apart. then i saw october sky, which was shot when he was 18, but he looked like 14 or 15. i think he's totally transformed after the movie the day after tomorrow, in appearance. though, i can still find some boyish looks from him nowadays, such as his SAG appearance when introducing BBM on stage. most of the time, he looks so mature.

btw, i think jake's voice is so sexy. does anyone agree with me? i hear from people who say that his voice is weird, and i don't get it. i think it's really sexy, especially in Jarhead.

Can't agree with you more. Jake's voice is soooooooooooooooooooooooo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sexy!

He looked really younger than his age in October Sky and Donni Darko. Even in the day after tommorrow, he looked like a teenager, too.

Talking about Tobey, I don't like him at all. But Jake is so attractive to me,[em07]

0操作292 #
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06-02-08 14:59操作

He's totally transformed after day after tomorrow? Probably because he was dumped by Kirstan Dunst. He said he was going through a new phase with the making of BrokeBack Mountain and the fact his first real relationship was ended. Jarhead wasn't that appealing for me, oh well, except the Santa_Jake part :P I thought he wasn't tough enough, was a bit soft.. that was just my impression. AngLee thinks he looks tragic.. I like his eye brows..

0操作293 #
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06-02-08 17:12操作

Jarhead on the set

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-8 17:14:22编辑过]

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06-02-09 01:10操作
以下是引用buttercup在2006-2-8 1:33:00的发言:

maggie was in a movie named "secretary". her performance in that movie was praised by a lot of critics. the movie is a little weird, though. it's about SM.

i always wonder why jake looked so young in the day after tomorrow, and then suddenly all grown-up in BBM. the 2 movies were shot only about 2 years apart. then i saw october sky, which was shot when he was 18, but he looked like 14 or 15. i think he's totally transformed after the movie the day after tomorrow, in appearance. though, i can still find some boyish looks from him nowadays, such as his SAG appearance when introducing BBM on stage. most of the time, he looks so mature.

btw, i think jake's voice is so sexy. does anyone agree with me? i hear from people who say that his voice is weird, and i don't get it. i think it's really sexy, especially in Jarhead.

I agree that Jake is hot, but his voice is not yet (maybe wait until he grows older). The one whose voice I think is very sexy is Matthew Macfayden....

0操作295 #
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06-02-09 10:10操作
以下是引用Cartel在2006-2-9 1:10:00的发言:

I agree that Jake is hot, but his voice is not yet (maybe wait until he grows older). The one whose voice I think is very sexy is Matthew Macfayden....

did you watch Jarhead? i feel that his voice is so sexy while he's narrating through ...

0操作296 #
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06-02-10 01:51操作
以下是引用buttercup在2006-2-9 10:10:00的发言:

did you watch Jarhead? i feel that his voice is so sexy while he's narrating through ...

No, I haven't... funny thing is that I saw the trailer of Jarhead in theatre and didn't realize at first that he was the "Jack" in BBM, nor did I recall him as the co-presenter with ziyi in last year's Oscar...until I saw the clip from iheartjake... man, he looks so different with beard than without. But I like the way he is now, very masculine yet sweet.

0操作297 #
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06-02-10 13:00操作
以下是引用Cartel在2006-2-10 1:51:00的发言:

No, I haven't... funny thing is that I saw the trailer of Jarhead in theatre and didn't realize at first that he was the "Jack" in BBM, nor did I recall him as the co-presenter with ziyi in last year's Oscar...until I saw the clip from iheartjake... man, he looks so different with beard than without. But I like the way he is now, very masculine yet sweet.


interesting. you know, the first jake's movie i watched was The Day After Tomorrow. i wasn't attracted to him at all. however, i remembered him from that movie. then, it's the oscar presentation. actually, i watched the red carpet first, and recognized him right away even though he was almost bold at the time. i didn't know that he was making Jarhead at the time. when BBM came out, i knew that one of the leading cast was the boy in The Day After Tomorrow, so i could recognize his easily. though, i didn't feel anything until i saw the movie. gosh! i was so attracted to his blue watering eyes and his doggy look. i didn't feel that his voice was sexy at the time, though, except for one line, where he says to ennis: "time to get going, cowboy!" i found that to be so sexy, but that was the only one line where i felt that his voice was sexy. then i saw Jarhead! gosh! i couldn't help myself being attracted to his voice when he narrated through the film.

yes, i felt that his voice was so sexy majorly because of that movie. oh, and sometimes, in his interviews.

anyway, i didn't pay any attention to him before BBM, but i remembered him ever since the time i saw him in a movie, and i had no problem recognizing him anywhere he appeared, never confuse him with any other guy. i guess i was born to be a gyllenhaalic. haha.

0操作298 #
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06-02-10 16:32操作
以下是引用buttercup在2006-2-10 13:00:00的发言:

interesting. you know, the first jake's movie i watched was The Day After Tomorrow. i wasn't attracted to him at all. however, i remembered him from that movie. then, it's the oscar presentation. actually, i watched the red carpet first, and recognized him right away even though he was almost bold at the time. i didn't know that he was making Jarhead at the time. when BBM came out, i knew that one of the leading cast was the boy in The Day After Tomorrow, so i could recognize his easily. though, i didn't feel anything until i saw the movie. gosh! i was so attracted to his blue watering eyes and his doggy look. i didn't feel that his voice was sexy at the time, though, except for one line, where he says to ennis: "time to get going, cowboy!" i found that to be so sexy, but that was the only one line where i felt that his voice was sexy. then i saw Jarhead! gosh! i couldn't help myself being attracted to his voice when he narrated through the film.

yes, i felt that his voice was so sexy majorly because of that movie. oh, and sometimes, in his interviews.

anyway, i didn't pay any attention to him before BBM, but i remembered him ever since the time i saw him in a movie, and i had no problem recognizing him anywhere he appeared, never confuse him with any other guy. i guess i was born to be a gyllenhaalic. haha.

I am going to watch "Jarhead" tonight.

The first Jake movie that I watched was "The Good Girl" b/c I love Jennifer. Jake's look was quite plain in that movie but his performance was really good.

The first time I found his voice is sexy is in "Donnie Darko". He was narrating in that movie too. He was struggling between reality and dilution the whole time in the movie. I found out when he talks slowly his voice is dreamy.

I have to admit I am not a born gyllenhaalic. The major reason that I went to see “BBM” is because of Ang lee, but Jake’s performance blew me away like a storm.

After that, Jake had me converted.

0操作299 #
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06-02-10 17:31操作
以下是引用sweetpp在2006-2-10 16:32:00的发言:

I am going to watch "Jarhead" tonight.

The first Jake movie that I watched was "The Good Girl" b/c I love Jennifer. Jake's look was quite plain in that movie but his performance was really good.

The first time I found his voice is sexy is in "Donnie Darko". He was narrating in that movie too. He was struggling between reality and dilution the whole time in the movie. I found out when he talks slowly his voice is dreamy.

I have to admit I am not a born gyllenhaalic. The major reason that I went to see “BBM” is because of Ang lee, but Jake’s performance blew me away like a storm.

After that, Jake had me converted.

Me too! after BB i couldn't get back to normal for like a week.. i was constantly thinking about the movie, and jake's appearance. Ang Lee really captured Jake to the best. While everyone else was talking about how Heath acted so well, I actually felt Jake touched me much more and that he brought out everything for this picture, if it were not for his Jack Twist.. I couldn't imagine how it will turn out.

I always have other weird thoughts .. they being... if i was made to be a man and from a man's eye I have felt for Jake, I remember Madonna once said she's a gay man trapped in a woman's body, deep down, I feel the same way. Did we look at Jake from a man's perspective? I think I did.. after all I really wanted to hug him, comfort him, heal his wound.... or is this a motherhood instinct.... I'm lost again :D

0操作300 #
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06-02-10 22:08操作
以下是引用anzi在2006-2-10 17:31:00的发言:

Me too! after BB i couldn't get back to normal for like a week.. i was constantly thinking about the movie, and jake's appearance. Ang Lee really captured Jake to the best. While everyone else was talking about how Heath acted so well, I actually felt Jake touched me much more and that he brought out everything for this picture, if it were not for his Jack Twist.. I couldn't imagine how it will turn out.

I always have other weird thoughts .. they being... if i was made to be a man and from a man's eye I have felt for Jake, I remember Madonna once said she's a gay man trapped in a woman's body, deep down, I feel the same way. Did we look at Jake from a man's perspective? I think I did.. after all I really wanted to hug him, comfort him, heal his wound.... or is this a motherhood instinct.... I'm lost again :D

exactly what i feel about the movie.

is this montherhood instinct? yes, i believe so[em07][em07][em07]
