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JAKE and HEATH-- REINVENTED!! Calling All Gyllenhaalic!!! C

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06-02-02 09:54操作
Actor Jake Gyllenhaal (left), actress Gwyneth Paltrow and director John Madden attend the gala premiere of "Proof".

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-2 9:54:14编辑过]

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06-02-02 13:35操作
The Two Jakes
Moving from character actor to leading man, moving on after moving out of Kirsten Dunst's L.A. Home, and moving away from all he has known and relied on, Jake Gyllenhaal is questioning everything- and open to anything. By Karen Durbin ELLE Magazine.

Jake Gyllenhaal and I are deep in conversation in a cozy corner banquette at master chef Mario Batali's Greenwich Village restaurant, Babbo. Raved by The New York Times, the place is packed and noisy but the food is sublime. Gyllenhaal, a passionate cook, is friends with the rumbustious, ponytailed Batali, so savory surprises keep arriving from the kitchen: stinging nettle papardelle with wild boar ragu! Salty, crunchy squash blossoms! A concoction of sweet potato with sage and amaretto that tastes like the nectar of the gods! We're well into this mouth-ravishing tasting orgy when Gyllenhaal says, "You should record my voice really fast so that you can slow it down and I can sound really weird." He beams. It's the first goofy thing he's said all evening.
I'd expected more. Goofy and weird have been such leitmotifs in Gyllenhaal's work that when we meet, it's startling to see how handsome he is. Fresh from a month at his family's place on Martha's Vineyard, he's tall, muscled armed, and tan, with bright blue eyes and sun streaks in his thick brown hair. But shouldn't those eyes slew sideways at me with a terrible sick slyness, the way they do when his character is hearing voices in Donnie Darko? And the hair would be more familiar if it were sticking out at right angles a la Bubble Boy. Or dyed black to set off the goth pallor he sports as Catherine Keener's jailbait teen lover in Lovely & Amazing. Or maybe he should just be pitifully grubby, like the depressed dropout whose life depends on the love of Jennifer Aniston in The Good Girl.
Not that these offbeat, often troubled characters haven't been good to Gyllenhaal. As Donnie's girlfriend-to-be (Jena Malone-no slouch at otherness herself) observes, "You're weird...That was a compliment." Capturing an impressive swath of the anguish that afflicts the young, from outgrowable ego wounds to serious derangement, he burnished his talent and forged an identity with such roles. But grooves have a way of turning into ruts, so Gyllenhaal is moving on. For starters, he treated himself to a leading role in one of last summer's guiltiest pleasures, the global-warming disaster flick The Day After Tomorrow. Gyllenhaal's part wasn't exactly a stretch. At 23 he once again played a teen, but at least the teen was bright, competent, and even lucky in love.
"He was always kind and he respected me as an actress even though I was so much younger," says Emmy Rossum, who was just 16 when she played Gyllenhaal's love interest in the film. It was the first blockbuster for the both of them, and as Hollywood baptisms go, this one featured plenty of water and mutual rescue scenes. "It took a week to shoot one," Rossum says. "We were in the tank all day doing take after take, and there was pounding rain. Jake was fun, always trying to keep up our morale."
"I was tired if thinking that as an actor you had to look bad on-screen," Gyllenhaal says about doing the role. "You had to play a 'character'. I think when I started working, doing those odd characters, I wanted to prove myself." Gyllenhaal turns 24 this month, and he's started proving himself in earnest. He's at a turning point in more ways than one, and he's highly, sometime painfully, conscious of it. "Scared shitless", as he puts it, but exhilarated, too. Last spring he was about to film the much buzzed about Brokeback Mountain when Kirsten Dunst, whom he'd been living with and has called his first real girlfriend, asked for a split after nearly two years together. He doesn't try to hide how much this rocked him. When he says with touching urgency, "I want to grow," he means it. In the coming year, Gyllenhaal has leading roles in three major films, none of them the easy ride of conventional blockbuster but all acting challenges of knee-knocking proportions, and he went after every one. First up is the aptly named Proof, the film version of the Tony-and Pulitzer Prize winning Broadway play directed by Shakespeare in Love's director John Madden, costarring Gwyneth Paltrow, Anthony Hopkins, and Hope Davis. Currently in post-production is Ang Lee's Brokeback Mountain, based on a famous New Yorker short story by Annie Proulx and featuring Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger as young macho cowboys in pre-gay-liberation1961who fall furiously in love. The third film, Jarhead, directed by Sam Mendes and based on Anthony Swofford's lacerating memoir of his Marine service in Iraq during the first Gulf War, stars Gyllenhaal in the title role. At dinner, he describes with some trepidation the weeks of authentic boot camp Mendes is scheduling before shooting begins. I ask if authentic means actually crawling through mud on your belly under webs of barbed wire while bullets whiz overhead. " I don't know," he says, his eyes wide as he performs a a cartoon gulp.
Listening to Gyllenhaal describe these projects is like watching someone take a giant, trembling step into his own future, the breakup with Dunst a poignant reminder of the uncertainty of it all. Madden says, "Jake's got a face where you can see the weather change clearly." Because Gyllenhaal is candid about his fears, it's easy to forget the nerve - and underlying confidence- his choices reflect.
Lee and writer-producer James Schamus, collaborators on such disparatley brilliant creations as Sense and Sensibility, The Ice Storm, and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Discuss why they picked Gyllenhaal for the role of the restless, somewhat unconventional rodeo cowboy. "Jake has one of those movie faces that's just hearbreaking," Schamus says. "He looks so masculine on one hand, and on the other he's open at the level of Ingrid Bergman. He's like someone in a Rossellini movie. The chemistry felt perfect with Heath, who's fair and more reserved."
Lee describes another factor that set Gyllenhaal apart atthe auditions. "There were some who wanted to do the work but you could sense they had a fear of it," he says. "They even tried to use it in the audition. Jake didn't He desperately wanted the role, he was totally motivated, and the gay thing didn't bother him."
Just how much this matters becomes clear when Gyllenhaal talks about filming the scene that Proulx fans think of as "the kiss". After their initial tryst, the young men flee from each other and get married. But four years later one gets in touch with the other and, unable to resist, they arrange a rendezvous. What ensues is an explosion of physical passion so fierce it all but leaps off the page. "Heath almost broke my nose in that scene," Gyllenhaal says, laughing. "I mean, he's so happy to see me. The great thing was that we decided- well, he grabs me and he slams me up against the wall and kisses me. And then I grab him and I slam him up against the wall and I kiss him. And we were doing take after take after take." Gyllenhaal grins. "I got the shit beat out of me," he says. "We had other scenes where we fought each other and I wasn't hurting as badly ad I did after that one."
As for the director's view, Lee a wry, soft-spoken man famous for the restraint of his praise- says simply, "They were brave to do what they did. At moments like that, they're great actors. They totally put themselves aside and become the characters."
Gyllenhaal can be intensely serious but he's also a serious flirt. At one point, as we sit side by side, he offers to show Batali the poison ivy he got on the Vineyard by hugging his dog, Atticus. Before you know it he's yanked up his shirt, exposing much of his torso. The poison ivy's nothing to write home about, but the Gyllenhaal torso, all golden and washboardy, is an edifying sight to behold. It's bold, impudent gesture, and flat-out sexy, too, not least because mean don't usually flirt by flashing their bodies- not straight men anyway. But part of what makes Gyllenhaal such a smart-woman's heartthrob is an uncovered quality that has no place in the armored smugness of conventional masculinity. Openness in a man holds out the promise of sympathy, even empathy, to women, and Gyllenhaal delivers. If that quality has been rocket fuel for the loner-outsider roles that have made his name, it's also what's made him attractive no matter how strange the role. In person he's radiant and funny, and his openness feels like a gift, whether he's sharing his innermost thought or the foods off his plate (to their delight, the couple next to us got tast of all our extra goodies). Talking about playing opposite Ledger in Brokeback Mountain, Gyllenhaal says he drew emotionally on everything he had: "Hey, I was arrogant at times with him. And I was confused at times, and I hope, at least, humble at times. I mean, I'd just got run down in my own life so there was nothing else I could give but what I was feeling."
When Gyllenhaal first met Dustin Hoffman to make Moonlight Mile (2002), Brad Silberling's partly autobiographical drama about a young man whose fiancée is murdered, Hoffman reportedly asked him, "Why aren't you intimidated by me?" The answer: Jake and his older sister, Maggie, are Hollywood babies. Their father is director Stephen Gyllenhaal, whose credits include Waterland and Homerown, and their mother is Oscar-nominated screenwriter Naomi Foner, who write Running On Empty and next year's Richard Gere movie Bee Season. The Gyllenhaal parents collaborated on Losting Isiah (1995) and the Debra Winger picture A Dangerous Women (1993), which features both kids in small but pungent parts. Paul Newman taught Jake to drive, and Jamie Lee Curtis is his unofficial godmother. Instead of being intimidated by Hoffman, Gyllenhaal did something better and listened to him. It was Hoffman who urged him to do some theater, which led him - with dizzying speed- to Gyllenhaal's award winning 2002 stage debut in the London production of This is Our Youth by Kenneth Lonergan. This in turned led to Proof.
" Jake auditioned, but I'd seen his work," Madden says. "He's incapable of being unspontaneous- he approached every line as if the thought has just formed in his head. The only thing I wanted to be sure about was that he and Gwyneth matched in age onscreen. It's a very tricky part to cast because of the geek factor" Proof is set un the world of cutting -edge mathematics. Paltrow, who did the play with Madden in London before making the movie, stars as Catherine, the daughter of a math genius (Hopkins) whose mind is disintegrating. Having lived for too long in his shadow, she knows she may have inherited his genius but fears she may have his mental illness as well. After his death she is wooed out of out of isolation by his graduate assistant, Hal (Gyllenhaal), but not without frightening complications. Proof is much more than a love story; nevertheless, Catherine and Hal's relation is its pivot. Madden cast Gyllenhaal, he says, because he could handle the geek factor and still have "a masculine and romantic dimension."
Watching the movie, I felt that I was seeing Gyllenhaal play a man for the first time- a math nerd, but who's sexual and decisive and who makes a terrible mistake. There were no quirks to make him interesting , no boyish fumbling to win your heart. More that anything he seemed naked, with only himself to get him through, and that was exciting. Despite the demands of his other new films, only in discussing this role does he mention having to summon his nerve. "In Proof I just wanted to be courageous enough to show myself, and f--cked up and unclear as I am," he says, "and somehow it wasn't that odd." During the shoot he had moments of anger at having to play a character who felt so close to home. "And in a weird way it was sad," he says. "It felt like the death of something, as if I'd lost a little imagination. I want to move back from that now a little bit."
Spoken like a man who in the course of sticking his neck out discovers that he's in charge if his life as never before. The work Gyllenhaal is doing now is certain to accelerate his fast-growing stardom. But he doesn't seem likely to turn into a glamour-puss anytime soon. His official Web site (his fans call themselves Gyllenhaalics) includes links to several political action groups ranging from environmental to civil libertarian to one that helps people register to vote. Better yet, only tow of his many photographs on the site are sexy (the most smoldering is a poster for the American Civil Liberties Union). The rest are, well, a little weird. But who would want it otherwise? A touch of strange is catnip to women- the interesting ones, anyway. Just ask Lovely & Amazing director Nicole Holofcener, who had never seen Gyllenhaal;s work when he auditioned to play a 17-year-old Fotomat clerk whose shyness doesn't cramp his besotted pursuit of Catherine Keener;s cranky married woman. "He came in with really high hair," Holofcener says, an audible grin in her voice. "He has some kind of rockabilly thing going. It was so weird but not pretentious at all. And then he read, and he was perfect - sweet and inherently funny without being too immature. He had a kind of wisdom, which convinced me that he could play the part without making disgusting. Probably everyone in the room was attracted to him."
"There's a playful quality about Jake that I think is very helpful to him," Rossum says. "I think women respond to him on-screen because he seems to be a sensitive but playful man, and we like that."
Over dessert (all five of them), I ask Gyllenhaal where he lives. " I have no idea," he says, adding that he last lived with Dunst in Los Angeles and he hasn't figured out where he wants to make his home. He loves New York and wants to do theater here, but L.A, is where he grew up, and he leaps to its defense with the passion of a native son. "I'm left with a real problem: where I want to live-and essentially, who I want to be." Looking startled by his own words, he explains, "I'm really questioning what I want to do right now. Questioning everything." Yes, and already finding some answers.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-2 13:43:05编辑过]

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06-02-02 13:38操作


前天Oscar nomination announced了,真为李安还有两个大男孩高兴。。。。今年Oscar应该比往年的更精彩。

为什么我老miss Jake TV appearance啊。。下次有谁知道通知一下!

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06-02-02 13:49操作
以下是引用anzi在2006-2-2 13:38:00的发言:


前天Oscar nomination announced了,真为李安还有两个大男孩高兴。。。。今年Oscar应该比往年的更精彩。

为什么我老miss Jake TV appearance啊。。下次有谁知道通知一下!


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06-02-02 14:02操作
以下是引用anzi在2006-2-2 13:38:00的发言:


前天Oscar nomination announced了,真为李安还有两个大男孩高兴。。。。今年Oscar应该比往年的更精彩。

为什么我老miss Jake TV appearance啊。。下次有谁知道通知一下!

下次估计就是奥斯卡了,不过你可以去这里下一些他以前的TV appearance片段来看:http://www.iheartjake.com/media.htm。这个网站东西挺全的。

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-2 14:02:23编辑过]

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06-02-02 14:14操作
this guy, he can look mature one day, and he can look boyish the next day!
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06-02-02 14:23操作

haha.... you guys are funny.. of course i'm a girly girl... :D:D... man so many girls fell in love with Jake.. and i thought i was the only one~~

upstairs is right, he is a man and a boy.. boyz2man ... thx buttercup for the link, i'll check it out.

i'm so excited about the Oscar this year..planning to have a party for it.

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06-02-02 14:30操作
以下是引用anzi在2006-2-2 14:23:00的发言:

haha.... you guys are funny.. of course i'm a girly girl... :D:D... man so many girls fell in love with Jake.. and i thought i was the only one~~

upstairs is right, he is a man and a boy.. boyz2man ... thx buttercup for the link, i'll check it out.

i'm so excited about the Oscar this year..planning to have a party for it.

you are welcome.

we flooded this board for SAG award, and we may do that again for the oscars. join us.

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06-02-02 14:51操作
以下是引用buttercup在2006-2-2 14:30:00的发言:

you are welcome.

we flooded this board for SAG award, and we may do that again for the oscars. join us.

i will....... this is a fun place :)

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06-02-02 15:41操作

More pictures

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-2 16:38:42编辑过]

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06-02-02 17:42操作
以下是引用sweetpp在2006-2-2 15:41:00的发言:

when i see this one, i just want to beg the academy: please, please, give the little statue to Jake!!!

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06-02-02 23:18操作
以下是引用buttercup在2006-2-2 17:42:00的发言:

when i see this one, i just want to beg the academy: please, please, give the little statue to Jake!!!

I wish Heath could win as well....

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06-02-03 04:18操作
以下是引用Cartel在2006-2-2 23:18:00的发言:

I wish Heath could win as well....

I still keep my faith in Heath. He should gain the recognition he deserves. People start to think Heath will have slim chance to win Oscar just because PSH has won both Golden Global and SAG. But I do believe there are many people who favor Heath's performance a lot more. I wish this time the Oscar committee will make a different choice other than just follow the flow!

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06-02-03 09:50操作
More Pictures

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06-02-03 09:51操作

More More More...

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06-02-03 09:53操作


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06-02-03 10:46操作

I downloaded the Oprah show yesterday from iheartjake and watched it. Jake was so cute, and all of the casts are so young! They act and talk like they just barely passed adolensence. Is Jake the oldest? just turned 25? They are just adorable, I have to say it is a very brave casting. And, it seems like most people felt for Michelle when she said "Jack Twist.. Jack Nasty!", that was some pretty good acting for the lady. I also liked Annie's horse riding and the grin she gave to Jack with the clicking sound made with her mouth. That was a good picking up!

Btw, I watched Donnie Darko, it is a weird movie, you can interpret it in your own ways perhaps, nevertheless Jake was pretty good, playing a half dark half bright child.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-3 10:51:28编辑过]

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06-02-03 12:07操作
以下是引用anzi在2006-2-3 10:46:00的发言:

I downloaded the Oprah show yesterday from iheartjake and watched it. Jake was so cute, and all of the casts are so young! They act and talk like they just barely passed adolensence. Is Jake the oldest? just turned 25? They are just adorable, I have to say it is a very brave casting. And, it seems like most people felt for Michelle when she said "Jack Twist.. Jack Nasty!", that was some pretty good acting for the lady. I also liked Annie's horse riding and the grin she gave to Jack with the clicking sound made with her mouth. That was a good picking up!

Btw, I watched Donnie Darko, it is a weird movie, you can interpret it in your own ways perhaps, nevertheless Jake was pretty good, playing a half dark half bright child.

Jake is not the oldest, Heath is, about 1.5 years older

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06-02-05 20:52操作
以下是引用sweetpp在2006-1-26 10:48:00的发言:


Movie: Brokeback Mountain
Artist: Willie Nelson
Song: He was a Friend of Mine

He was a friend of mine
He was a friend of mine
Every time I think of him now
Lord I just can't keep from cryin'
'Cause he was a friend of mine

He died on the road
He died on the road
Just kept on moving
Never reached what he couldn’t sought
And he was a friend of mine

I stole away and cried
I stole away and cried
'Cause I never had too much money
And I never been quite satisfied
And he was a friend of mine

He never done no wrong
He never done no wrong
A thousand miles from home
And he never harmed no one
And he was a friend of mine

He was a friend of mine
He was a friend of mine
Every time I hear his name
Lord I just can't keep from cryin'
'Cause he was a friend of mine.


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06-02-06 01:49操作
以下是引用sigma010在2006-2-5 20:52:00的发言:


