really depends. but you are supposed to know whether you are selected for on-site in about 1 week.
really depends. but you are supposed to know whether you are selected for on-site in about 1 week.
honey, you can get a cheap one from me. I have a second kindle, which I didn't even get chance to open the box.
honey, you can get a cheap one from me. I have a second kindle, which I didn't even get chance to open the box.
you need to stand up when you are talking, your tone and voice will be much more charming.
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/10/5 12:05:48编辑过]
you need to stand up when you are talking, your tune and voice will be much more charming.
white cabbage price, no buy white no buy.
white cabbage price, no buy white no buy.
really depends. but you are supposed to know whether you are selected for on-site in about 1 week.
honey, you can get a cheap one from me. I have a second kindle, which I didn't even get chance to open the box.
lots of BB第二
lots of BB第二
I really don't need - just need to figure out how to mail it to you. the shipping might kill the deal.
I finished all my hunger game books on DYM's kindle.
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