The patients who died during a clinical trial does not euqal to patients who died BECAUSE of the clinical trial. If a cancer patient died during a clinical trial, it is very likely due to the disease itself than due to the drug. Annual death of 221 in India due to clinical trials is definitely an exagerrated number (most of the deaths are not related to the drug). There are IRB and regulatory agencies in India as well. Although they are not as organized and experienced as FDA, they are not completely ignorant either.
To be approved by FDA, the trials has to enrolled some patients from US, in most cases. In many cases, the majority of the patients are from US. But data management and programming work can be outsourced to other countries, such as India and China.
By the way, the drug that caused the disaster for pregnant woman was never approved by FDA and never sold in US. It was only approved and sold in Europe. It was not approved by FDA for safety concerns. It was often cited as an example to show the expertise and competence of FDA. FDA is very found of themself for that case.
Thanks for the clearance. FDA of USA is really tough. Often the new drugs got accepted in EU countries first. FDA in USA always asks for more experiments.
what 药 do you recommand??
谁一辈子的时间 搞一个研究?万一没结果,喝西北风啊
我自己就是phd in toxicology area,但我不信任何毒理研究。
俺的观点in general:
亚健康的:食补,缺什么元素,吃什么元素多的食物,别长期依赖于维生素,加强睡眠和锻炼. 找是否有环境因素
恶性病的:有什么方法就用什么方法吧.....Jesus take the wheel
痛经之类,只要不是子宫内膜炎症之类的问题,总有方法可以缓解的,如果没找到,依赖于pain killer是因为你不够努力找
感冒,如果是普通感冒,我一般是自己挺着,多喝lemon水. 如果实在太严重可以吃1000mg的VC一日一片.