Hawaiian Tropic Island Glow Daily Moisturizer For Light Skin Tones 8 fl oz (237 ml)

For the Natural Glow of the Islands just by Moisturizing
Contains Exotic Hawaiian Moisturizers & A Subtle Sunless Blend
A touch of Hawaiian tropical, exotic, natural flora and fruit extracts... moisturize your way to a natural Island Glow. Even out your skin tone and gradually develop the glow of summer. It is as easy as applying this moisturizer daily. Soothing Green Tea fragrance.
Dries Quickly
Moisturizes for up to 12 hours
Enriched with Vitamins A, C & E
Natural Looking Color
Hawaii这个是要每天涂、逐渐显色,并且可以代替body moisturizer使用的。同类产品比较有口碑的还有Jergens的Daily Glow Moisturizer(jeffie米女在用,咔咔)。我大概涂了三次(大概隔天一次吧,我总是想不起来用或者嫌麻烦),达到了我觉得比较理想的颜色。
Clarins Self Tanning Instant Gel

Lightweight and non-oily, ideal to promote a natural, golden tan for face and body without sun exposure. Instantly absorbed, promotes results in just two hours. Ideal for those who wish to maintain a year-round tanned appearance. No need to wait before dressing.
它家的body产品我一向很有好感(除了价钱)。所谓instant,并不是马上就显色哦,而是很快干,可以穿衣服:p 不过其实我觉得跟上面那个差不多,还是要等个至少十几分钟的(取决于用量)。这款的颜色也很自然,比较方便自己掌握;不过如果涂厚乐、没涂匀还是会很明显哦,第一次用的时候没小心,搞得脚丫一块黑。
相比较而言,这两款东西我觉得都还不错,前者性价比高一些,后者效果快一些。脸上我是怕长痘都没敢用,不过Clarins这个是说可以用在脸上的,质地也是很清爽的gel。Hawaii的就是跟普通body lotion类似的,大概不好往脸上涂。。。
L'Oreal Sublime Sunless Body Scrub

这个就是磨沙膏啦,跟一般的scrub好像没什么区别。因为一般sunless tanning都会建议先scrub一下,我平时不用这个东西,就买了这个~~~味道不错 ![[em08]](https://emojis.huaren.us/static/emojis/v1/default/em08.gif)
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-2 22:59:22编辑过]