Maxtor?80GB Ultra ATA/133 Internal Hard Drive, 7200 RPM
678133 - $99.84
REbate OD - $30
Rebate Maxtor - $30 front and back
Coupon - $20
Total - $20 + tax
PS: I did instore pickup (hint: Staples price is also 99.99) and used OM coupons. YMMV with the coupon.
More hints: If you call in your order the reps generally apply the non tech coupons to your tech orders, just be polite.
678133 - $99.84
REbate OD - $30
Rebate Maxtor - $30 front and back
Coupon - $20
Total - $20 + tax
PS: I did instore pickup (hint: Staples price is also 99.99) and used OM coupons. YMMV with the coupon.
More hints: If you call in your order the reps generally apply the non tech coupons to your tech orders, just be polite.