Waterloo Bridge 1940 (English Language)
经典影片《魂断蓝桥》(上影厂 刘广宁 乔榛等配音)
ANNOUNCER (ON RADIO): The resulting action, known now by all the world has marked Sunday,
September the 3rd, 1939 as a date to be long remembered.
At 11:15 this morning,
the prime minister speaking to the nation
from Number 10 Downing Street announced that Great Britain is at war with Germany.
The London public are earnestly reminded of the emergency orders already issued.
No light of any description
should be visible after blackout time.
No dogs or cats will be allowed
to roam the streets after dark.
It should be remembered that pets will not
be permitted in public air-raid shelters.
Gas masks and warm clothing
should be placed at hand before retiring.
It is suggested that a warm drink
in a Thermos...
... would be of great comfort
to children...
... who might have to be awakened
at an unusual hour.
Every effort should be made
to quiet the nerves...
... of those children who remain
despite the evacuation...
... which will continue
until a late hour this evening.
Colonel Cronin''''s car.
I was right, Thomas. It''''s tonight.
To France, sir?
Waterloo Station.
Yes, sir.
Be familiar to you, won''''t it, sir?
I mean, having been through
the last one.
Yes. It''''ll be familiar.
- Thomas.
- Sir?
Go by way of Waterloo Bridge, will you?
Waterloo Bridge, sir?
We have plenty of time.
Right, sir.
Wait for me at the other end of the bridge.
I''''ll walk across.
Right, sir.
Here. Take this.
Your good-luck charm?
Perhaps it''''ll bring you luck.
I hope it will.
I''''ll pray it will.
That''''s wonderfully kind of you.
Do you think you''''ll remember me now?
I think so.
I think so.
For the rest of my life.