Lawfully present immigrantswith five years or less of US residency, without access to employer sponsoredinsurance, will be able to receive both premium tax credits and cost sharingtax credits towards approved plans that meet the essential benefits packageoutlined in the ACA.
[url=https://www.medicareresources.org/faqs/can-recent-immigrants-to-the-united-states-get-health-coverage-if-theyre-over-65/]https://www.medicareresources.or ... -if-theyre-over-65/[/url]
And if her income makes her eligible for Medicaid but her state doesn’t allow Medicaid coverage for immigrants who haven’t been in the U.S. for five years, she’ll be able to purchase an individual plan through the exchange with a subsidy. (In 2015, this means that the second-lowest-cost Silver plan would cost her 2.01 percent of her income).
只要你能提供低收入证明,就可以申请减价的商业保险,即使拿到绿卡不超过5年。08热线的解释是,老人一定要单独报税,即使没有收入。08和mediaid以及medicare根本是不同的东西,条款里也明确写了不是public benefit。反而是你如果eligible那两样,就不能买08。总之身边和网上有很多人都给父母买到了,我觉得不是巧合和政策漏洞。从08医改的初衷看,就是要让这些弱势群体看的起病,弥补原来漏在商业保险和公共福利之间的gap。