90%我就太满意了, 10万的费用出一万就好了。。真心是不错
如果父母的绿卡是儿女 sponsor的,在他们入籍之前,是不能拿 fed 的福利的,所以没有公民前,用 Medicaid, fed是可以向子女追讨得。
Q. What publicly funded benefits may not be considered for public charge purposes?
A. Non-cash
benefits (other than institutionalization for long-term care) are
generally not taken into account for purposes of a public charge
Special-purpose cash assistance is also generally not taken into account for purposes of public charge determination.
Non-cash or special-purpose cash benefits are generally supplemental in nature and do not make a person primarily dependent on the government for subsistence. Therefore, past, current, or future receipt of these benefits do not impact a public charge determination. Non-cash or special purpose cash benefits that are not considered for public charge purposes include:
State and local programs that are similar to the federal programs listed above are also generally not considered for public charge purposes. Please be aware that states may adopt different names for the same or similar publicly funded programs. It is the underlying nature of the program, not the name adopted in a particular state, which determines whether or not it should be considered for public charge purposes. In California, for example, Medicaid is called "Medi-Cal" and CHIP is called "Healthy Families." These benefits are not considered for public charge purposes.
addition, and consistent with existing practice, cash payments that
have been earned, such as Title II Social Security benefits, government
pensions, and veterans' benefits, among other forms of earned benefits,
do not support a public charge determination. Unemployment compensation
is also not considered for public charge purposes.
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/7/18 12:58:12编辑过]
90%我就太满意了, 10万的费用出一万就好了。。真心是不错
COVER 不COVER这个就挺灰色的。。。。我妈他们开的进口药什么的也都报销了。。。 就是工资低,刚进去的大学生前几年才1,2千块,然后就慢慢熬吧,最后也就是几千
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