回复 [url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=2100215&postid=73609711#73609711]40楼lllike8g的帖子[/url]
2017 Raz + Raz Kids A-Z 的 班 。 Raz + Raz Kids A-Z 团购 价格是 $219.90+$13.2 tax, $233.10. 一共36个人,每个人团费 $6.50.请问这个满了吗?现在填表付款还来得及吗
感兴趣的MM请给我留言 and complete the form:-
wonderwoman 发表于 12/31/2016 5:55:21 PM [url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=2100215&postid=73727481#73727481][/url]
回复 [url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=2100215&postid=73759851#73759851]1楼dfy0903的帖子[/url]
Since there are still 7 members that have yet to fulfill their payment. I have released their seats to ALL the waiting list members. If you manage to complete the form and payment in time before the 7 slots are filled, you should be able to fit into the class nicely.
wonderwoman 发表于 1/4/2017 11:10:02 PM [url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=2100215&postid=73761344#73761344][/url]我前天已经填表,可是有事耽搁了付款。 现在付还来得及吗?
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