回复 [url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1826977&postid=67452831#67452831]20楼loveydovey的帖子[/url]
Sorry, we are only buying grade 2 here.
Does any one know the price for summer yet, since there will be only 8 weeks, will the price be lower than Spring and Fall, or they will provide same amount of work sheets?reasonable,我跟
Now it seems to me that we have about 15 people interested with Grade 2. Do you think $10 is reasonable for all subjects?
@ applegrape, I am going to open another post for grade 5.
pangpangwudi 发表于 5/15/2015 9:06:45 AM [url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1826977&postid=67452354#67452354][/url]
Anyone who are interested, please send me email to [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] so I can do head count and send out PDFs. Our price maybe reduce to $8 each.
pangpangwudi 发表于 5/16/2015 10:53:33 AM [url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1826977&postid=67464976#67464976][/url]
今天开始注册了,普通数学是免费的,大家可以自己注册,就不要花钱买了,其他5个科目加起来一共$110,因为是暑假,只有8个星期,language art 和GT Math一星期4套题,其他只有俩套。
pangpangwudi 发表于 5/17/2015 10:16:56 AM [url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1826977&postid=67472096#67472096][/url]
sent email, thanks
lemotang 发表于 5/18/2015 5:35:59 PM [url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1826977&postid=67486211#67486211][/url]