Your comment completely reverses the facts. The whole world should not forget that Japan invaded China and the entire Southeast Asia during World War II and massacred tens of millions of innocent civilians. 我把最后一句删掉。发一遍。评论不要带个人主关色彩,应该就事论事。看看会不会被删掉。
Your comment completely reverses the facts. The whole world should not forget that Japan invaded China and the entire Southeast Asia during World War II and massacred tens of millions of innocent civilians. 我把最后一句删掉。发一遍。评论不要带个人主关色彩,应该就事论事。看看会不会被删掉。
听上去这老太婆是给Obama 和 Biden 的支持者哎。
我搜了一下,这个应该不是YouTube被举报了以后删除的,而是这个CNN channel 里面就有一些filter,所以就是压根都没有发出去,就直接被屏蔽掉了吧。
What a liar! !!
Compared to Biden and Obama, I admire President Roosevelt and the little boy more.
回复 3楼 桃花朵朵 的帖子日本人的二战罪恶在吃了原子蛋后便告一段落。中共在二战后是杀了不少人,也许在你的眼里,那些人该杀,但不可否认,中国是在没有人民自决的条件下,强占了那块土地。当然很多中国人认为强占没问题,因为中国自古拥有。
我看那个老太婆言论没问题。你如果感到气忿,我们应该想想,我们可以强占一块国土就因为历史上某个帝王曾经占领, 因此变成中国自古拥有吗?生活在那块土地上的人民的权利呢?
Diablo2019 发表于 2024-02-20 16:59
哦 对不起,我忘了,也许你就把日本国当是你的妈。那就好理解了。
桃花朵朵 发表于 2024-02-20 16:43看头像和名字是倭鬼老婊子
ca563 发表于 2024-02-20 16:48这个为什么会被删?还是这个you tuber可以删评论区?
I wish Japanese would stop lying about there past history. Even to this day, if you look at there curriculum books in there schools, it’s nothing but lies about there horrible past history towards other Asian countries.
果小小 发表于 2024-02-20 17:09youtuber是可以hold住他认为是恶意的言论然后删除的。我以前说日本人二战屠杀的事情也分分钟被删帖
So much so about free speech LOL
xdsqc 发表于 2024-02-20 17:07现在说的日本,别扯你妈的中共。
哦 对不起,我忘了,也许你就把日本国当是你的妈。那就好理解了。
glsxj 发表于 2024-02-20 17:09大家去点赞这一条
I wish Japanese would stop lying about there past history. Even to this day, if you look at there curriculum books in there schools, it’s nothing but lies about there horrible past history towards other Asian countries.
发现刚才就已经点赞过了。 对头,大家找一条集中点赞。人类不应该忘记这些历史,尤其是华人,东南亚地区的人们。
glsxj 发表于 2024-02-20 17:09大家去点赞这一条
I wish Japanese would stop lying about there past history. Even to this day, if you look at there curriculum books in there schools, it’s nothing but lies about there horrible past history towards other Asian countries.
ca563 发表于 2024-02-20 17:12这个我已经点赞了,没找到楼主的comment。另外不要给这个视频贡献点击率
xdsqc 发表于 2024-02-20 17:14就是视频不要看完的意思?
ca563 发表于 2024-02-20 17:12这个我已经点赞了,没找到楼主的comment。另外不要给这个视频贡献点击率
glsxj 发表于 2024-02-20 17:09大家去点赞这一条
I wish Japanese would stop lying about there past history. Even to this day, if you look at there curriculum books in there schools, it’s nothing but lies about there horrible past history towards other Asian countries.
桃花朵朵 发表于 2024-02-20 17:16我按你的意思再发了,不知道被删了没
ca563 发表于 2024-02-20 17:23我没找到你重新发的comment,那个老妖婆的comment下只有两条回复。尽量单独回,因为reply会被折叠
glsxj 发表于 2024-02-20 17:09大家去点赞这一条
I wish Japanese would stop lying about there past history. Even to this day, if you look at there curriculum books in there schools, it’s nothing but lies about there horrible past history towards other Asian countries.
我在这条下面回复yes. 然后贴我那一段话,还是被油管过滤掉了
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