亲爱的慈济朋友, 社区大德们,
睽违四年后, 花莲静思精舍常住师父再度莅临美国北加州,为湾区有缘人,带来一场难得的【幸福人生讲座】。
释德悦 - 静思精舍
释德宸 - 静思精舍
潘翠微- 慈济本会清修士 (广东话)
日期: 8月21日 星期一
时间: 6:00pm - 7:00pm (晚餐)
7:00pm - 8:00pm(幸福人生讲座)
地点: 慈济基金会旧金山支会
2901 Irving Street, San Francisco, CA 94122
https://forms.gle/APeC1hApXcAd4ume7 (https://forms.gle/APeC1hApXcAd4ume7)
Dear Friends,
In this VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous) world, we are confronted with the challenges of natural disasters, man-made calamities, inflation, and layoffs. These issues, combined with the prevailing sense of depression, have led people to seek the true essence of a happy life.
The special guests from Tzu Chi’s Headquarters in Hualien, Taiwan, are returning to Northern California after their successful visit in 2019. This time, they are offering a seminar titled "Conversations on a Happy Life," designed for people from all walks of life. Through this event, they aim to help everyone discover inner peace, and build a resilient, happy life.
Event details:
“Conversations on a Happy Life”
(in Chinese, English Translation available)
Venerable De Yue - Jingsi Abode, Taiwan
Venerable De Chen - Jingsi Abode, Taiwan
Pan CuiWei - Tzu Chi Headquarters, Taiwan
Date: August 21st, Monday
Time: 6:00pm - 7:00pm (Dinner)
7:00pm - 8:00pm (Happy Life Seminar)
Location: San Francisco Branch Clubhouse
2901 Irving Street, San Francisco, CA 94122