



国际佛网通知链接: http://buddhistweb.org/gonggao/6296



First overseas live Dharma teaching by Khenpo Sodargye to be held online on 

the 7th of July on the subject Padmasambhava Sadhana


July 7, 2013 at 10 AM (CST), Khenpo Sodargye will be encountering his overseas audience for the first time on the live video streaming platform of his official English website. He will be giving a teaching on the profound 

Padmasambhava Sadhana for his overseas audience, with English translation available live.


In this time of turbidities, no Dharma practice or major undertakings can be accomplished without the blessings of Padmasambhava. If we can spread the practice of Padmasambhava widely, build statues of Padmasambhava in all places, and pray to Padmasambhava together, it will become an unimaginable causal origination for the prosperity of the Buddha Dharma in the future.


Live Streaming Site: http://www.khenposodargye.org/live/

English Announcement:  http://www.khenposodargye.org/news/