The Mantra of Master 〇sifu: 〇sifu 真言
The Mantra of Master 〇sifu 〇sifu 真言 All things start from 〇 and come to 〇 in the end. 從〇開始,復歸於〇。 To perform according to the Way (cosmic laws), along the unconditioned Way without thoughts of a false self. 無我無為,順道而行。 To bring bliss to fellow human and rescue millions of beings. 造福蒼生,普濟億靈。 The great Way is definitely natural, unconditioned and pure. 大道自然,無為清凈。 All sentient beings come from the same root and have the same heart. 億靈同根,億靈同心。 When their hearts resonate in the same frequency, they can return to the cosmic center which is their original home. 同波同頻,回歸宙心。 The secret key of return hides in the mind, which must be virtuous, faithful, benevolent and pure. 密鑰在心,正誠善凈。 The process of return is natural. Success is assured when the conditions are ripe. 瓜熟蒂落,水到渠成。 The heaven bestows us the mission of salvation. 天賦使命,度脫眾生。 We must fulfill our commitment in the heaven and the world. 天上人間,大道踐行。 To be concern about the mission and guide all sentient beings to return to the cosmic center. 心系使命,引領億靈。 To refrain from all evils, practice all virtues actively and purify the mind to restore our true self nature. 斷惡修善,凈心修真。 To pray to Buddha with purified mind and perceive things with enlightened mind. 凈心念佛,明覺空靈。 To change mind to kind-hearted one, then all sentient beings will ascend spiritually. 回心向善,億靈超升。 To change mind to take refuge from Buddha, then all sentient beings will find their own paths of ascension. 回心向佛,億靈歸心。 To bring forth the Bodhi resolve and cultivate courageously and diligently. 發菩提心,勇猛精進。 To follow the Mahayana Way of bodhisattvas and salvage all relatives from suffering sea. 行菩薩道,苦海度親。 To emulate Gautama Buddha, transforming and guiding those who have sunk into vices. 效法釋迦,化導沈淪。 To demonstrate the Way with one’s own conduct and rouse those in confusion and those in dark. 以身演道,喚醒癡冥。 The true cosmic principles aims at true heart directly. ****,直指歸心。 Esoteric cultivation methods purify and ascend souls. 密中密法,凈化提升。 To strive for salvation and never abandon a single being. 盡心盡力,不遺一靈。 To observe disciplines and obey laws to be a model of virtuous behaviors. 遵紀守法,模範德行。 To love the country and countrymen devotedly and loyally. 愛國愛民,奉獻丹心。 To harmonize the society and wish a peaceful world. 和諧社會,共願太平。 To be moral and virtuous and follow these rules after enlightening. 有道有德,覺而奉行。 To repay four kinds of kindness above and rescue millions of beings in the realms below. 上報四恩,下濟億靈。 msn:[email protected], [email protected]

[此贴子已经被作者于2012/5/18 18:51:19编辑过]