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修行日记 -- 每天坚持做功课,做善事!我要移民西方极乐世界!

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11-04-29 16:19操作
可以躺床上念阿弥陀佛么  不是说床不干净么  我每晚躺床上也想念  但是又怕得罪菩萨 尤其是老公在旁边的时候
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11-04-29 17:06操作
以下是引用proudprincess在4/29/2011 4:19:00 PM的发言:
可以躺床上念阿弥陀佛么  不是说床不干净么  我每晚躺床上也想念  但是又怕得罪菩萨 尤其是老公在旁边的时候

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11-04-30 10:14操作

 药师琉璃光如来本愿功德经 1

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11-04-30 10:50操作



 人命无常    生死事大    轮回路险

  作者:印光大师增订 文章来源:报佛恩网



[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/13 3:16:11编辑过]

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11-04-30 11:10操作






 敬请常念   南  无  阿  弥  陀  佛
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11-05-04 15:30操作
 4.30       5.1              5.2                      5.3    
早课         早课            早课    
         听净空法师演讲   听净空法师演讲      晚课
八关斋戒              观世音菩萨普门品1

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11-05-04 15:42操作
 The Venerable Master Hua said:
 Don't become attached to your blessings
 Because once they're exhausted
 you'll have none.

 Take all the suffering that comes to you,
 because once you've endured it all,
 you'll suffer no more.

 The ancients said,
 Choose your neighbors and friends with care,
 Pick friends who are good and can help each other out in every way.
 Don't get involved with people who are cruel and heartless.
 Friends who are bad influences can drag you down to the point that you lose your fortune and reputation forever and end up in the hells.
 The Buddhadharma is the Dharma of the mind
 If your mind has no selfish thoughts,idle thoughts ,deranged thoughts and uncivilized instincts,
 then your mind is the Buddhadharma.
 However,if you have bad habits, faults,deranged thoughts, uncivilized instincts,
 and idle thoughts, then this is called "demon-dharma"
 A Buddha has kind and pure thoughts,
 while a demon has evil, defiled and impure thoughts.

 As a result of your cultivation,
 you will be at peace with yourself,
 and no deranged or idle thoughts will arise.
 This peace and serenity is true happiness.
 When you are peaceful and happy,
 you can influence the people around you to become peaceful and happy too.

 You only need to have faith,
 and then you can break through all difficult states.
 "Everything is made from the mind alone"
 If you think something is difficult, then it will be difficult,
 if you think it is easy ,it will be easy.

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11-05-04 16:41操作











[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/13 20:40:23编辑过]

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11-05-05 02:15操作

 《希望之光 -- 宣化上人语录》

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11-05-06 00:12操作


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11-05-06 00:22操作
 Are these hells fixed places, or do they arise spontaneously? Is it that each individual undergoes whatever kind of karma he or she creates? I only hope the Buddha will be compassionate and instruct those of us who do not understand this. May he cause all beings who uphold the precepts to positively and respectfully receive this determination upon hearing it and be careful and clear, free from any violations.

 The Buddha said to Ananda, "What a good question! You want to keep all living beings from entering into deviant views. You should listen attentively now and I will explain this matter for you."

Actually, Ananda, all living beings are fundamentally true and pure, but because of their false views they give rise to the falseness of habits, which are divided into an internal aspect and an external aspect.

Ananda, the internal aspect refers to what occurs inside living beings. Because of love and defilement, they produce the falseness of emotions. When these emotions accumulate without cease, they can create the fluids of love.

That is why living beings' mouths water when they think about delicious food. When they think about a deceased person, either with fondness or with anger, tears will flow from their eyes. When they are greedy for wealth and jewels, a current of lust will course through their hearts. When confronted with a smooth and supple body, their minds become attached to lustful conduct and from both male and female organs will come spontaneous secretions.

Ananda, although the kinds of love differ, their flow and oppression is the same. With this moisture, one cannot ascend, but will naturally fall. This is called the 'internal aspect.'

Ananda, the external aspect refers to what happens outside living beings. Because of longing and yearning, they invent the fallacy of discursive thought. When this reasoning accumulates without cease, it can create ascending vapors.

That is why when living beings uphold the prohibitive precepts in their minds, their bodies will be buoyant and feel light and clear. When they uphold mantra seals in their minds, they will command a heroic and resolute perspective. When they have the desire in their minds to be born in the heavens, in their dreams they will have thoughts of flying and ascending. When they cherish the Buddhalands in their minds, then the sagely realms will appear in a shimmering vision, and they will serve the good and wise advisors with little thought for their own lives.

Ananda, although the thought varies, the lightness and uplifting is the same. With flight and ascension, one will not sink, but will naturally become transcendent. This is called the 'external aspect.'

Ananda, all beings in the world are caught up in the continuity of birth and death. Birth happens because of their habitual tendencies; death comes through flow and change. When they are on the verge of dying, but when the final warmth has not left their bodies, all the good and evil they have done in that life suddenly and simultaneously manifests. They experience the intermingling of two habits: an abhorrence of death and an attraction to life.

Endowed solely with thought, they will fly and can certainly be reborn in the heavens above. If they fly from the heart, and if they have blessings and wisdom, as well as pure vows, then their hearts will spontaneously open and they will see the Buddhas of the ten directions and all their pure lands and they will be reborn in whichever one they wish.

When they have more thought than emotion, they are not quite as ethereal and so they become flying immortals, great mighty ghost kings, space traveling-yakshas, or earth-traveling rakshasas who roam the form heavens, going where they please without obstruction.

 Among them may be some with good vows and good hearts who protect and uphold my dharma. Perhaps they protect the pure precepts by following and supporting those who hold precepts. Perhaps they protect spiritual mantras by following and supporting those who hold mantras. Perhaps they protect Chan samadhi by guarding and comforting those who are patient with dharmas. These beings are close at hand beneath the Thus Come One's seat.

 When their thought and emotion are of equal proportions, they cannot fly and they do not fall, but are born in the human realm. If their thought is bright, their wits are keen. If their emotion is dark, their wits are dull.

 When they have more emotion than thought, they enter the animal realm. With heavier emotion, they become fur-bearing beasts; with lighter emotion, they become winged creatures.

 When they have seventy percent emotion and thirty percent thought, they fall beneath the wheel of water into the regions of fire, where they come into contact with steam which is itself like a terrible blaze. In the bodies of hungry ghosts, they are constantly burned by that fire. Even water harms them, and they have nothing to eat or drink for hundreds of thousands of kalpas.

 When they have ninety percent emotion and ten percent thought, they fall through the wheel of fire until their bodies enter wind and fire, in a region where the two interact. With lighter emotion they are born in the intermittent hell; with heavier emotion they are born in the Relentless Hell.

 When they are possessed entirely of emotion, they sink into the Avichi Hell. If the emotion has gone into their hearts so that they slander the great vehicle, defame the Buddha's pure precepts, speak crazy and false dharma, are greedy for offerings from the faithful, recklessly accept the respect of others, commit the five rebellious acts  and the ten major offenses, then they are further reborn in Avichi Hells throughout the ten directions.

  Although one receives one's due according to the evil karma one has created, a group can undergo an identical lot, and there are definite places where it occurs.

 Ananda, it all comes from the karmic responses which living beings themselves invoke. They create ten habitual causes and undergo six interacting retributions.

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11-05-06 00:32操作
 Ananda, it all comes from the karmic responses which living beings themselves invoke. They create ten habitual causes and undergo six interacting retributions.
What are the ten causes? Ananda, the first consists of habits of lust and reciprocal interactions which give rise to mutual rubbing. When this rubbing continues without cease, it produces a tremendous raging fire within which movement occurs, just as warmth arises between a person's hands when he rubs them together.

Because these two habits set each other ablaze, there come into being the iron bed, the copper pillar, and other such experiences.

Therefore the Thus Come Ones of the ten directions look upon the practice of lust and name it the 'fire of desire.' Bodhisattvas avoid desire as they would a fiery pit.

The second consists of habits of greed and intermingled scheming which give rise to a suction. When this suction becomes dominant and incessant, it produces intense cold and solid ice where freezing occurs, just as a sensation of cold is experienced when a person draws in a blast of wind through his mouth.

Because these two habits clash together, there come into being chattering, whimpering and shuddering; blue, red, and white lotuses; cold and ice; and other such experiences. Therefore the Thus Come Ones of the ten directions look upon excessive seeking and name it "the water of greed". Bodhisattvas avoid greed as they would a sea of pestilence.

The third consists of habits of arrogance and resulting friction which give rise to mutual intimidation. When it accelerates without cease, it produces torrents and rapids which create restless waves of water, just as water is produced when a person continuously works his tongue in an effort to taste flavors.

Because these two habits incite one another, there come into being the river of blood, the river of ashes, the burning sand, the poisonous sea, the molten copper which is poured over one or which must be swallowed, and other such experiences.

Therefore, the Thus Come Ones of the ten directions look upon self-satisfaction and name it 'drinking the water of stupidity.' Bodhisattvas avoid arrogance as they would a huge deluge.

The fourth consists of habits of hatred which give rise to mutual defiance. When this defiance binds one without cease, one's heart becomes so hot that it catches fire, and the molten vapor turns into metal.

 From it is produced the mountain of knives, the iron cudgel, the tree of swords, the wheel of swords, axes and halberds, and spears and saws. It is like the intent to kill surging forth when a person meets a mortal enemy, so that he is roused to action.

Because these two habits clash with one another, there come into being castration and hacking, beheading and mutilation, filing and sticking, flogging and beating, and other such experiences.

Therefore, the Thus Come Ones of the ten directions look upon hatred and name it 'sharp knives and swords.' Bodhisattvas avoid hatred as they would their own execution.

The fifth consists of habits of deception and misleading involvements which give rise to mutual guile. When such maneuvering continues without cease, it produces the ropes and wood of a gallows for hanging, like the grass and trees that grow when water saturates a field.

Because the two habits perpetuate one another, there come into being handcuffs and fetters, cangues and locks, whips and clubs, sticks and cudgels, and other such experiences.

Therefore, the Thus Come Ones of the ten directions look upon deception and name it a 'treacherous crook.' Bodhisattvas fear deception as they would a savage wolf.

The sixth consists of habits of lying and combined fraudulence which give rise to mutual cheating. When false accusations continue without cease, one becomes adept at corruption.

  From this there come into being dust and dirt, excrement and urine, filth, stench, and impurities. It is like the obscuring of everyone's vision when the dust is stirred up by the wind.

 Because these two habits augment one another, there come into being sinking and drowning, tossing and pitching, flying and falling, floating and submerging, and other such experiences.

Therefore, the Thus Come Ones of the ten directions look upon lying and name it 'robbery and murder.' Bodhisattvas regard lying as they would treading on a venomous snake.

The seventh consists of habits of animosity and interconnected enmity which give rise to grievances. From this there come into being flying rocks, thrown stones, caskets and closets, cages on wheels, jars and containers, and bags and rods. It is like someone harming others secretly, he harbors, cherishes, and nurtures evil.

Because these two habits swallow one another up, there come into being tossing and pitching, seizing and apprehending, striking and shooting, casting away and pinching, and other such experiences.
Therefore, the Thus Come Ones of the ten directions look upon animosity and name it a 'disobedient and harmful ghost.'Bodhisattvas regard animosity as they would drinking poisonous wine.
The eighth consists of habits of views and the admixture of understandings, such as satkayadrishti, views, moral prohibitions, grasping, and deviant insight into various kinds of karma, which bring about opposition and produce mutual antagonism. From them there come into being court officials, deputies, certifiers, and registrars. They are like people traveling on a road, who meet each other coming and going.

Because these two habits influence one another, there come into being official inquiries, baited questions, examinations, interrogations, public investigations, exposure, the youths who record good and evil, carrying the record books of the offenders' arguments and rationalizations, and other such experiences.

 Therefore, the Thus Come Ones of the ten directions look upon evil views and name them the 'pit of views.' Bodhisattvas regard having false and one-sided views as they would standing on the edge of a steep ravine full of poison.

 The ninth consists of the habits of injustice and their interconnected support of one another; they result in instigating false charges and libeling. From them are produced crushing between mountains, crushing between rocks, stone rollers, stone grinders, plowing, and pulverizing. It is like a slanderous villain who engages in persecuting good people unjustly.

Because these two habits join ranks, there come into being pressing and pushing, bludgeons and compulsion, squeezing and straining, weighing and measuring, and other such experiences.

Therefore, the Thus Come Ones of the ten directions look upon harmful accusations and name them 'a treacherous tiger.' Bodhisattvas regard injustice as they would a bolt of lightning.

The tenth consists of the habits of litigation and the mutual disputations which give rise to covering. From them there are produced a look in the mirror and illumination by the lamp. It is like being in direct sunlight: there is no way one can hide one's shadow.

Because these two habits bicker back and forth, there come into being evil companions, the mirror of karma, the fiery pearl, exposure of past karma, inquests, and other such experiences.

Therefore, all the Thus Come Ones of the ten directions look upon covering and name it a 'hidden villain.' Bodhisattvas regard covering as they would having to carry a mountain atop their heads while walking upon the sea.

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11-05-06 01:07操作



 敬 请 常 发 愿     我一定要移民西方极乐世界!

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11-05-06 22:13操作
 读《律宗的史传和典籍》PPT 读《律宗的教理和观行》PPT

 5月8日早课之后有传八关斋戒,我初步的打算这次受持法会全程 -- 三个星期不吃晚饭啊!挑战自我。[em60]


 若有四众。苾刍。苾刍尼。邬波索迦。邬波斯迦。及余净信善男子。善女人等。有能受持八分斋戒。或经一年。或复三月。受持学处。以此善根。  愿生西方极乐世界无量寿佛所。听闻正法。而未定者若闻世尊药师琉璃光如来名号。临命终时。有八大菩萨。其名曰文殊师利菩萨。观世音菩萨。得大势菩萨。无尽意菩萨。  宝坛华菩萨。药王菩萨。药上菩萨。弥勒菩萨。是八大菩萨。乘空而来。示其道路。即于彼界种种杂色众宝华中。自然化生。

[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/6 22:41:39编辑过]

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11-05-06 23:37操作











 敬请常念  南 无 阿 弥 陀 佛

[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/7 4:21:29编辑过]

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11-05-08 01:17操作


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11-05-08 23:41操作


[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/9 0:03:32编辑过]

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11-05-09 00:02操作
 观无量寿经云:若有众生,若一日一夜持八戒斋,若一日一夜持沙弥戒,若一日一夜持具足戒;威仪无缺。以此功德,回向愿生极乐国,戒香熏修。如此行者,命欲 终时,见阿弥陀佛与诸眷属,放金色光,持七宝莲华至行者前,行者自闻空中有声赞言:“善男子,如汝善人,随顺三世诸佛教故,我来迎汝。”行者自见坐莲华 上,莲华即合,生于西方极乐世界。在宝池中,经于七日,莲华乃敷。华既敷已,开目合掌,赞叹世尊。闻法欢喜,得须陀洹。经半劫已,成阿罗汉。是名中品中生 者。

浮提王,于阎浮提中,一切人民金银财宝于中自在,虽有如 是功德,以八斋功德分作十六分阎浮提王功德,十六分中不及一分。”所谓最后清净八戒斋也。汝今已得如是功德。婆沙论云:"受八戒者,名曰近住,谓近阿罗汉 住故。又名长养,谓长养善根,令其增多故。"


[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/9 0:05:00编辑过]

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11-05-10 02:04操作
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11-05-11 02:58操作
 大悲咒 108+