nod nod, what happened ah??
i'm in risk too, but not in IB or HF or anything like that...
stable is the most important especially when you have family
i'm in risk too, but not in IB or HF or anything like that...
小基金我老公说有时候更容易赚, 你听说过我们石溪旁边的文艺复兴吧, 很小的, 赚的钱经常几千万的给石溪捐钱省税
re,我老公也是这样说的。 他想如果能在他公司浑个前台,两三年之后是要找小基金公司做的,压力小点。
你老公哪个公司的?前台是很风险很多,说不好就被开了。 你老公当时找工作时对工资提要求了吗?还是给多少拿多少的?
true, so he never looked for bank jobs when he was looking for jobs here. You know what, I even checked USCIS website for perm history for those companies do sponsor finance positons.
true, so he never looked for bank jobs when he was looking for jobs here. You know what, I even checked USCIS website for perm history for those companies do sponsor finance positons.
你老公哪个公司的?前台是很风险很多,说不好就被开了。 你老公当时找工作时对工资提要求了吗?还是给多少拿多少的?
My opinion.....for the fresh graduate:
stable job+ GC sponsor + right position> money or much much more money.
When lg just graduated, he just focused on now at his last year H1b just go back to the GC process. He said he learned the lesson. ....of course, if you just want to earn experience then going back to China, that is another issue.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/9/22 12:02:52编辑过]
nod nod~~ xm~~
re,我老公也是这样说的。 他想如果能在他公司浑个前台,两三年之后是要找小基金公司做的,压力小点。
save time ah....if you know that company doesn't have any successful perm history, then no need to waste time on them...
这么一说,你们都好年轻啊 , xm
stable is the most important especially when you have family
nod nod~~ can't imagine if my lg lose his job....
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