are several reasons to delay the introduction of cow's milk until your
baby reaches his first birthday. Most important, a baby's digestive
system can't digest cow's milk proteins. Cow's milk also has too much
sodium, potassium, and chloride, which can tax your baby's kidneys.
if his system could handle it, cow's milk doesn't have all the vitamins
and minerals (especially vitamin E, zinc, and iron) that he needs for
growth and development in his first year. Giving a baby cow's milk could
even cause iron deficiency and internal bleeding. And it can increase
his risk of an allergic reaction.
Once your baby's digestive
system is ready to digest it, though, milk becomes a powerful ally. A
great source of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin A, milk will build your
toddler's bones and teeth and help his body regulate his blood
coagulation and muscle control. Almost all milk is fortified with
vitamin D, which helps the body absorb the calcium it needs.
also provides protein for growth, as well as carbohydrates, which will
give your child the energy he needs to toddle all day! And if your child
gets enough calcium from the get-go, there's evidence that he'll have a
lower risk of high blood pressure, stroke, colon cancer, and hip
fractures later in life.
bless 小俊
are several reasons to delay the introduction of cow's milk until your
baby reaches his first birthday. Most important, a baby's digestive
system can't digest cow's milk proteins. Cow's milk also has too much
sodium, potassium, and chloride, which can tax your baby's kidneys.
if his system could handle it, cow's milk doesn't have all the vitamins
and minerals (especially vitamin E, zinc, and iron) that he needs for
growth and development in his first year. Giving a baby cow's milk could
even cause iron deficiency and internal bleeding. And it can increase
his risk of an allergic reaction.
Once your baby's digestive
system is ready to digest it, though, milk becomes a powerful ally. A
great source of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin A, milk will build your
toddler's bones and teeth and help his body regulate his blood
coagulation and muscle control. Almost all milk is fortified with
vitamin D, which helps the body absorb the calcium it needs.
also provides protein for growth, as well as carbohydrates, which will
give your child the energy he needs to toddle all day! And if your child
gets enough calcium from the get-go, there's evidence that he'll have a
lower risk of high blood pressure, stroke, colon cancer, and hip
fractures later in life.
我现在真是又好气又好笑。豆豆现在正在吃斋----因为他拉肚子没有好。我觉得他拉肚子是因为从母乳过渡到formula太快(实在是因为他喜欢吃formula),但是消化不了那么多,所以肠道细菌有点紊乱,下面的跑到上面来就拉稀了。好,昨天下午开始停奶停肉停蛋黄,上稀饭。下午三点我妈喂了一小碗稀饭,据说吃的爽快。我回家之后小人像饿狼一样张着嘴哭。给了几勺稀饭,吸溜吸溜吃掉了,又哭,给了两勺米糊拌在稀饭汤里,吃完了还哭;蒸熟了半个苹果挖着给他吃了,还哭,其间吃了快10个星星饼干。最后我没辙了,把soybased formula找出来,灌了4个盎司。满足了,笑了。今天早上没有蛋黄了,给了小半碗稀饭,吃完了哭,给了4盎司soy formula,消停了。
2段上面写的是9 个月后喝的呀
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