发信人: Mercury2008 (五好水银), 信区: PennySaver
标 题: free black pants at GAP
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Aug 12 17:13:41 2010, 美东)
The first 50 customers will receive a pair of FREE black pants on August
14th between 10-12 p.m.!
Here are a list of other participating stores in the U.S.!
The Grove in Los Angeles [10am-12pm]
The Village at Corte Madera [10am-12pm]
Aventura Mall in Miami [10am-12pm]
555 North Michigan Avenue in Chicago [9am-11am]
Copley Place in Boston [10am-12pm]
Southdale Center in Edina, Minnesota [10am-12pm]
The Mall at Short Hills, New Jersey [10am-12pm]
1510 Walnut Street, Philadelphia [9am-11am]
North Park Center in Dallas [10am-12pm]
Tysons Corner in McLean, Virginia [10am-12pm]