哈哈,谢谢hansomepiggg mm和starbucks_lover mm这么热情,其实不邀请我也会来滴*_^ 我也是2010年元月的准妈呀,只是因为我一直还没见OB还没确定预产期,无法上报日子,所以先来偷偷发帖子占位了。悄悄透露一下,我自己算的预产期是1月12号。再过10来天才能去见OB,现在就希望小宝没问题,年龄大了,意外也会多一些!这次的怀孕反应比上次大多了,自己还要带大宝、做饭家务,目前日子正很难熬呢......天天上来看看大家的帖子很鼓舞我心啊,心情也愉快不少!
afv2007 mm也是二宝妈,她可能经验比我还丰富,大家多多请教她!养大宝快两年了,怀孕时候的细节已忘记不少,这次又和大家一起重新温习了,也会从大家这里学到更多的东西,让我们一起顺利走过这段难忘的日子吧!
My old one is 2, so I am the same as you, forgetting details about the previous prenancy and many things. But I am very happy to answer questions I could answer.
I think everyone is different. You reaction can come anytime. Just enjoy your days without sickness. Once it comes, you will feel awful. Or, you may be the one who does not have any reaction. That is possible
4 week is still too early........
There might be slight difference. But my OB set up the following schedule for me.
1st visit: approx. 8 wk
2nd visit: 2 wks after
3rd visit and thereafter: every 4 wks
Last ??? months: every 2 wks
Last month: every wk
MM needs to find an OB as soon as possible.
There might be slight difference. But my OB set up the following schedule for me.
1st visit: approx. 8 wk
2nd visit: 2 wks after
3rd visit and thereafter: every 4 wks
Last ??? months: every 2 wks
Last month: every wk
MM needs to find an OB as soon as possible.
我早了将近2周,也没看见小手小脚啊,就有几个突起,是将来要发育成手和脚的位置。就这样,照了之后due date 还提前了呢,应该不是发育慢吧?我做的是腹部的ultrasound
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