以下是引用maiyatang在5/3/2010 4:14:00 PM的发言:
Thanks!! yes, we called yesterday to see if they can buy the curtains in china.
because We looked around Yesterday and saturday, bed bath, JCP or other stores.
not look good..don't like it...
for mattress, if we will buy a wooden frame later now, you know those fancy bed.
Do I need BOX or just the mattress????
Yes, we need to buy everything, basically.
so far, we only have a queen bed......sign...
一般买床垫买一套的好,因为单买box 挺贵的。我们这里200-300。 不知道你们那里的价格怎样。你不要box 也省不了很多钱,大概便宜100多。如果你买plat form bed, 床有木垫的,那就不用box, 其他一般的床都要的。plat form bed, 相对矮些。 床垫一定一定一定要买名牌的!!!我买了个Spring Air 1年不到竟然窝进去,退换很不方便。如果你喜欢硬的,基本选simmon's 如果喜欢软,可以选Sealy. 我喜欢软,当时买了Sealy ultra plush. 非常舒服。不过现在觉得太软,以后买要买硬一点的。 如果你想质量保证,保证退还方便--costco. 如果想便宜,质量好,选择多--usmattress.com using bing.com with cash back. 我还有referral code. 可以省点。。你要用短我。
如果你家没有冰箱,洗衣机,干衣机,那要先买。lowes has washing machine and dryer in good price. Samsung. very quiet i heard. 我们没有买这个牌子,we bought LG. becasue Lowe's here very bad customer service. 我们3件都是homedepot 买的。你可以申请homedepot, lowes 10% new mover discount. 我觉得买之前可以 buy some gift cards... 可以省更多。lowes homedepot 10% 可以互相用。Sears 我看过,一般价钱比较贵些。