有一张照片真实姐弟情深阿。现在我儿子总在我的belly上kiss他的baby sister.
haha, you are here, don't forget to edit your post to remove the link to the album...
有一张照片真实姐弟情深阿。现在我儿子总在我的belly上kiss他的baby sister.
haha, you are here, don't forget to edit your post to remove the link to the album...
Cindy 39 inches, 38lbs (which was measured before she poopooed, she actually weight 36lbs.)
still way more than my son. He only weighs about 33 lbs now. His 3-yr check up will be in Dec.
still way more than my son. He only weighs about 33 lbs now. His 3-yr check up will be in Dec.
mm, don't forget to remove the link to BaoMa's album in your post..
haha, you are here, don't forget to edit your post to remove the link to the album...
done. Just came back from my son's school after being a volunteer for a field trip to a local museum.
done. Just came back from my son's school after being a volunteer for a field trip to a local museum.
I will be the volunteer tomorrow for my daughter's pumpkin patch field trip.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/26 16:55:56编辑过]
I will be the volunteer tomorrow for my daughter's pumpkin patch field trip tomorrow.
My son's school also has a pumpkin patch field trip tomorrow. But I cannot volunteer because I will have an OB visit. :(
中文还是英文阿?英文是的made-up name.中文我用的谐音
中文还是英文阿?英文是的made-up name.中文我用的谐音
Both, so I can call you xx mom
My son's school also has a pumpkin patch field trip tomorrow. But I cannot volunteer because I will have an OB visit. :(
They have lots of field trips in your son's school. How much is the tuition?
Both, so I can call you xx mom
[replyview]你就叫我德仔妈或阿德妈好了。 [/replyview]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/26 17:46:20编辑过]
They have lots of field trips in your son's school. How much is the tuition?
$275/week. When you are in 3-yr old class, it will be $205/week. Much cheaper than bay area. :) Usually they will have a weekly field trip from June to August. Now I think it's because of the fall season as you know they will start to hibernate soon in the winter.
$275/week. When you are in 3-yr old class, it will be $205/week. Much cheaper than bay area. :) Usually they will have a weekly field trip from June to August. Now I think it's because of the fall season as you know they will start to hibernate soon in the winter.
Is Xinxin in that new preschool - I couldn't remember the name. But I know it's in FC, very close to my old company. They provide bilingual teaching and serve organic food. My friend asked me to go to the tour early this year. But I know most likely I will move away, so I didn't go.
Is Xinxin in that new preschool - I couldn't remember the name. But I know it's in FC, very close to my old company. They provide bilingual teaching and serve organic food. My friend asked me to go to the tour early this year. But I know most likely I will move away, so I didn't go.
No, it is in San Mateo, it is a family-based one, not big, but we like it.
Chicago is much cheaper than SF, in my opinion. That's one of the big reasons that we can afford me to stay at home. I can make way more money than my hubby (about 3-times. :0)
I was so bored last month, so I looked for some jobs and got a job offer. In the end, we decided to turn that down because my hubby doesn't want me to drive on Chicagoland's crazy highway and we think kids will need me to stay at home. His earning with our saving should be OK in Chicagoland, but certainly not OK in bay area.
Chicago is much cheaper than SF, in my opinion. That's one of the big reasons that we can afford me to stay at home. I can make way more money than my hubby (about 3-times. :0)
I was so bored last month, so I looked for some jobs and got a job offer. In the end, we decided to turn that down because my hubby doesn't want me to drive on Chicagoland's crazy highway and we think kids will need me to stay at home. His earning with our saving should be OK in Chicagoland, but certainly not OK in bay area.
I forgot which area you are working in?
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