以下是引用xinlansisi在12/19/2011 11:40:00 AM的发言:
就一条,是我邻居也没用,我真希望能多点这个裤子,冬天去daycare最需要啊,要不一条单裤再去playground玩,真怕冷着了,穿2条裤子不现实,室内太热,也不能麻烦老师穿啊脱的sigh,want to be your neighbour.
sigh,want to be your neighbour.
Oh, yes, BTW, we bought a new car this weekend when parents and niuniu were sleeping...
hehe, kind of high efficiency, right....
Silver Toyota camary~~~~~~
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/12/19 11:47:19编辑过]
Oh, yes, BTW, we bought a new car this weekend when parents and niuniu were sleeping...
hehe, kind of high efficiency, right....
Silver Toyota camary~~......
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