quoted from a message sent by babycenter.com
"How to do perineal massage Some practitioners recommend massaging the perineum (the area between your vulva and your anus) to help you avoid having an episiotomy or tearing during childbirth. Not everyone is comfortable doing this but if you'd like to give it a try, now's the time to start. Here's one method:
? Wash your hands and then sit in a warm, comfortable area, spreading your legs apart in a semi-reclined position. Put vitamin E oil (from vitamin E capsules) or pure vegetable oil on your fingers and thumbs and around your perineum.
? Place your thumbs about 1 to 1 1/2 inches (up to or just past your first knuckle) inside your vagina. Press down toward your rectum and then out toward the sides. Gently and firmly continue stretching until you feel a slight burn or tingling. Hold this stretch for about 2 minutes – until the tingling starts to subside.
? Slowly and gently massage the lower part of the vaginal canal back and forth, hooking your thumbs onto the sides of the vaginal canal and gently pulling these tissues forward, as your baby's head will do during delivery. Keep this up for 3 to 4 minutes.
? Be gentle, as a vigorous touch could cause bruising or swelling in these sensitive tissues. During the massage avoid pressure on the urethra (urinary opening). This can cause irritation or infection."
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/2/27 21:02:29编辑过]
我lg谨遵他老娘的嘱咐 再加上 嫌弃我的大肚子,还有他说知道他儿子在里面他也不舒服
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/2/27 21:09:31编辑过]
我lg谨遵他老娘的嘱咐 再加上 嫌弃我的大肚子,还有他说知道他儿子在里面他也不舒服
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