Ikea 100块。后妈面壁去了。
We have a staff member who is in immediate need of our help. She has been an exemplary staffer for eight years and her husband was working full time until the end of the summer when he was no longer ambulatory. He is now wheelchair-bound and has applied for VA Disability and Social Security Disability, but after four months, has not heard anything. With no second income and the husband’s out of pocket medical expenses and trips to the VA Hospital upstate has put them in a really bad place financially.
The American Legion paid their overdue electric bill, and installed a handicapped ramp from the parking pad to the front door of the home. The family’s only vehicle is a “gas hog”, they are behind on the payments and the loan is in collections. They own their double-wide, but are behind on the lot rent and the management company has filed judgment documents through the court. The cost to move the home is estimated at $5,000 and if it is reset at another location would be an additional $5,000. So the equity they have in the 1980 home is not worth the cost of relocation. The option would be to sell it “in place” because the family is responsible for removing the trailer even if they walk away – if not, the management company will charge them the $5,000 and add that amount to the judgment filed with the courts last week for the overdue lot rent, late fees, and court costs. A judgment negatively affects the credit rating which is the barometer used for rental background checks, vehicle loans and increases the cost for other items because a low credit score equals a high risk for an insurance company, lender, landlord, etc.
So the need is:
Funds to pay lot rent $596.60 for January (this is the cost due if paid by Jan 31 and includes late fees, etc.) and $505.50 due Wednesday, Feb 1
Funds to allow them to keep their vehicle (or at least get payments up to date so they can trade it in on a more economical one and one that’s the right height to slide in from the wheelchair. Overdue amount: $1,482.63 for Nov, Dec, and Jan. Plus February payment due next week of $484.21
Overdue Delaware State Tax to the Cape Henlopen School District
Groceries, toilet paper, laundry detergent, etc.
Gasoline gift cards – like WaWa.
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 4.0.7
不错啊,其实马牛每天上学放学坐的就是这个roundabout,不过他好像更喜欢马拉松,开长途的时候坐。只要看到我车子在,他就说要坐white car,不要坐green car。
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/1/30 14:40:24编辑过]
忘记complain。这几天把去年6月份买回来的haba maganetic puzzle拆了一个,质量好差。最上面一层涂了颜色的木皮全都裂开掉下来了。下面的几层也没用了啊。真的太差了,target自己牌子的都没这么差。难道是这么长时间,我家太干燥了?只拆了一个,还没拆另外一个。
你们买这个半价longwood garden吗?3月底之前有效。
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