以下是引用eaieeaie在2/8/2010 1:40:00 PM的发言:
Q, my parents will come at the end of the month. Anything you want to bring over?
胖墩该享福了~~~~~~Q, my parents will come at the end of the month. Anything you want to bring over?
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/9 7:18:12编辑过]
no xian mu no xian mu
dry bro's weight and height is more impressive!
the garden set
lotf of them have a cow on it
i bought some other stuff too
yo gabba gabba
Plex is one of the lead player!
he's into it for 20min the most
i got the chair/sofa last April
he's into it for 20min the most
i got the chair/sofa last April
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