Poor Little Little White needs to do two tests this afternoon to rule out the possibility of reflux.
Just hope everything is fine and we can soon put this behind.
Bless little little white!! reflux也会引起发烧?
Reflux of urine from urine tract back to kidney. This is a serious issue and requires surgery to correct.
I don't think Little Little White has this reflux but doctors usually order tests to fully rule out the possibility. The tests are pretty horrifying. She will cry her lung out, if she hasn't already from this morning's check.
Poor Little Little White needs to do two tests this afternoon to rule out the possibility of reflux.
Just hope everything is fine and we can soon put this behind.
Poor Little Little White needs to do two tests this afternoon to rule out the possibility of reflux.
Just hope everything is fine and we can soon put this behind.
Hope you can work out your relationship with your LG and your in-laws.
Reflux of urine from urine tract back to kidney. This is a serious issue and requires surgery to correct.
I don't think Little Little White has this reflux but doctors usually order tests to fully rule out the possibility. The tests are pretty horrifying. She will cry her lung out, if she hasn't already from this morning's check.
Poor Little Little White needs to do two tests this afternoon to rule out the possibility of reflux.
Just hope everything is fine and we can soon put this behind.
poor llw just hang in there
Poor Little Little White needs to do two tests this afternoon to rule out the possibility of reflux.
Just hope everything is fine and we can soon put this behind.
Reflux of urine from urine tract back to kidney. This is a serious issue and requires surgery to correct.
I don't think Little Little White has this reflux but doctors usually order tests to fully rule out the possibility. The tests are pretty horrifying. She will cry her lung out, if she hasn't already from this morning's check.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/8 13:50:12编辑过]
哈哈,翘起来的是她的最爱curious george的手!
别。。。think positively!!
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