以下是引用yangff在6/30/2011 6:49:00 PM的发言:
有没有人约了nuchal translucency test的?医生叫我12周的时候做这个,好像是什么基因测试。有必要做吗?我总觉得照多了b超不好啊
First-trimester combined screening test: This relatively new screening test combines a nuchal fold scan (using ultrasound to measure the clear space in the tissue at the back of your developing baby's neck) with a blood test to measure two proteins. The scan is performed between 11 weeks of pregnancy through the end of 13 weeks, and the blood test may be done at the same time or possibly a few weeks earlier. First-trimester combined screening gives you information about your baby's odds of having Down syndrome and may tell you whether your baby's at higher risk for a few other problems as well. Although it's not diagnostic, the screening is essentially risk-free and may help you decide whether you want invasive diagnostic testing such as chorionic villus sampling (CVS) or amniocentesis, which slightly increase the risk of miscarriage.