就是怕到时候没位置了。我同事说让孩子早点来读就是花钱占个位,到初中或者高中或许就有waiting list了。
pat pat,要不问问同事有没有人不想做些杂活的
18 months checkup
26lb 9oz
35in1/4-1/2 (not very accurate since it was so hard to let him lie down)
2 shots, hep A and DTaP, NO CRY
Doctor suggested to give him 2nd shot for hep A although there is still 5 days away to be half year from his first shot after we told the ped we are going back China.
Ped finally said, "this is a slim, nice boy". When the ped checked on him, he laughed.
do not worry, wait and see how other offers are.
18 months checkup
26lb 9oz
35in1/4-1/2 (not very accurate since it was so hard to let him lie down)
2 shots, hep A and DTaP, NO CRY
Doctor suggested to give him 2nd shot for hep A although there is still 5 days away to be half year from his first shot after we told the ped we are going back China.
Ped finally said, "this is a slim, nice boy". When the ped checked on him, he laughed.
当当好高啊,out of chart了
I do not want to study any longer.
18 months checkup
26lb 9oz
35in1/4-1/2 (not very accurate since it was so hard to let him lie down)
2 shots, hep A and DTaP, NO CRY
Doctor suggested to give him 2nd shot for hep A although there is still 5 days away to be half year from his first shot after we told the ped we are going back China.
Ped finally said, "this is a slim, nice boy". When the ped checked on him, he laughed.
18 months checkup
26lb 9oz
35in1/4-1/2 (not very accurate since it was so hard to let him lie down)
2 shots, hep A and DTaP, NO CRY
Doctor suggested to give him 2nd shot for hep A although there is still 5 days away to be half year from his first shot after we told the ped we are going back China.
Ped finally said, "this is a slim, nice boy". When the ped checked on him, he laughed.
当当好高啊,out of chart了
his height is out of chart, his weight is 60% now.
He did not even cry with two shots. after two shots, he even said "Xie Xie A Yi" to the nurse. Hehehe,
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