哇,我一听到坐飞机我就想吐了,mm take care啊
以下是引用bigfatrabbit在9/20/2012 4:53:00 PM的发言:
我再过10天就要飞了 也是15个小时 我还得转机 不知道到家能不能散架了
我再过10天就要飞了 也是15个小时 我还得转机 不知道到家能不能散架了
I had the metal taste in my mouth the first time. And it never went away. This time is sour taste. I rearlly really do hope it will disappear.
wow. take care!
Normal. :) Envy this...
狗鼻子是恶心反应的前兆啊!bless mm
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