以下是引用sunny66在2009-7-7 22:01:00的发言:我也以为AFP就是唐筛的一项呢,mm这个结果还需要进一步检查么?唐筛到底是啥
那个1/684是12周第一次大b超的时候做的, 叫什么nuchal translucency with ultra-screen, 当时还验血了, 查的就是down syndrome...所以我一直以为这个就是大家说的唐筛.
至于这个AFP, just googled it:
AFP is a protein secreted by the fetal liver and excreted in the mother's blood. It is generally used for detecting neural tube defects, but it can also indicate: abdominal wall defects esophageal and duodenal atresia, some renal and urinary tract anomalies turner syndrome, some low birth weight fetuses, and placental complications. A low level of AFP could also indicate Down Syndrome
所以这个AFP也是唐筛的一项. 我想不管我第一次的结果怎样,估计我的ob都会叫我做这个测试的吧
1/684 应该不算好, 但也不是太糟糕吧...