我那个楼的妈发的,有没有试过用red cabbage测男女?有兴趣的可以试试,看看准不准。
Things You'll Need
Red cabbage
Boiling water
1 Go to the store and buy a red cabbage. The size of the cabbage does not matter at all.
2 Cut the cabbage into big chunks. The smaller you cut the chunks, the better your results will turn out.
3 Boil some water on the stove and put in the chunks of cabbage.
4 Let the water and cabbage boil for about 10 minutes or so. When the ten minutes is up, remove it from the heat.
5 Grab a cup and go to the bathroom! Pee into the cup.
6 In a separate cup, mix 1 part of your urine to 1 part of the water that the cabbage was boiled in. No need to save the cabbage unless you want to eat it. It's pretty tasty, so you might want to eat it!
7 If the urine/cabbage water turns pink or red then this indicates a boy result! If the urine/cabbage water turns purple, this indicates a girl result.