国内这个很厉害?如果我们回去3个星期左右, 要怎么注意?
据说国内自解放后已经很久没有流行结核了 但是近两年由于人口流动 结核又有复发趋势 厉害倒也不觉得 至少我身边没听说谁得了 一般的普通与人交往传染不上的
你们才回来3周 没啥可注意的啦 正常清洁工作就够了 没事的
国内这个很厉害?如果我们回去3个星期左右, 要怎么注意?
据说国内自解放后已经很久没有流行结核了 但是近两年由于人口流动 结核又有复发趋势 厉害倒也不觉得 至少我身边没听说谁得了 一般的普通与人交往传染不上的
你们才回来3周 没啥可注意的啦 正常清洁工作就够了 没事的
没错 真是熬过来了呀
除了小人经常要粘粘人 拖不开身 没啥太累身的事啦 现在就要开始累心啦
不过 学走路的时候据说是最累的
我见ped时 说 有的宝宝9个月后就只吃辅食了 有的却喝奶很多 但是照样都长得很好 只要长得好 吸收得好就行了 不能完全按书本上每天一定奶和辅食是多少
可是每当emma哪样吃得少了的时候 就纠结啊
cultruelle就是牌子 是益生菌 我从drugstore买的 专门给Kids吃的那种 每天中饭或晚饭吃到最后 饭有点凉的时候混在一起就喂了 无色有一点点甜味 不含牛奶蛋白 所以 湿疹宝也可以吃
我们家也吃,是florastor kid。我一天只给一次,加在奶里。
re 好想还是第一次联美演出,真不是盖的!
米米回国 你要小心结核菌啊 就是家里如果请保姆的话 自己花点钱给做个胸透 看看有没有结核史
啊 是嘛
我们最近喝奶还涨量了呢 原来早上喝5-6oz 现在早上都是8-9oz 汗 中午4oz 晚上6-7oz 多不多呀
嗯, 它家东西便宜还好用, 我有好几个它家的东西, 有个在车里可以热奶的, 出门能用上。 你说的这个我要去试试,。
review 很好,但是没有deal.
cultruelle就是牌子 是益生菌 我从drugstore买的 专门给Kids吃的那种 每天中饭或晚饭吃到最后 饭有点凉的时候混在一起就喂了 无色有一点点甜味 不含牛奶蛋白 所以 湿疹宝也可以吃
review 很好,但是没有deal.
From 500-calorie desserts disguised as coffee drinks to greasy, salt-encrusted french fries, we adults usually know when we're making unwise food choices. But often we don't realize that many of the foods we routinely give babies are essentially junk food – high in calories, sugar, or salt, and low in nutrients.
Eating junk food is more damaging to babies than adults. That's because babies don't need many calories, but they do need lots of nutrients. It's easy for them to fill up quickly on junk food's empty calories, leaving no room for nutrient-rich healthy foods, says doctor and American Dietetic Association spokesperson Christine Gerbstadt. The nutrition deficit can even hinder development, she adds.
So what's a parent to do? Start by learning which popular foods to stay away from. Here's our list of the worst food offenders for babies.
It seems too obvious to mention, but believe it or not, some babies are served soft drinks as early as 7 months of age, according to a survey of more than 3,000 families presented at the American Dietetic Association (ADA) conference in 2009.
Whether regular or diet, soft drinks provide absolutely no nutrients. Regular soda contains a ton of sugar, which can wreak havoc on your baby's teeth. And filling up on either type means babies eat and drink less of the nutritious food their bodies really need.
Sure, it comes from fruit, but that doesn't mean it's healthy. The fiber in fresh fruit is largely lost in the juicing process, and what's left is a whole lot of sugar. "Juice is basically a waste of calories," says pediatrician Ari Brown, co-author of Baby 411: Clear Answers and Smart Advice for Your Baby's First Year.
Using certain types of juice – specifically apple and pear – to sweeten your baby's food isn't a good idea either, says nutritionist Leanne Cooper, author of What Do I Feed My Baby: A Step-by-Step Guide to Solids. The sugars in these juices can speed up the food's passage through the digestive tract. "When food passes too quickly, the body doesn't have time to absorb all those lovely nutrients," says Cooper. It can also lead to diarrhea in some babies.
What about advertisers' claims that juice provides babies with necessary vitamin C? Don't be fooled. "Babies can easily get their vitamin C from one small serving of fruit," says Brown.
What should your baby drink instead? The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that babies younger than 6 months drink nothing but breast milk or formula. Babies 6 to 12 months old can have small amounts of water, but breast milk or formula should still be their main beverage. (Find out more about when babies can drink water.) After the first birthday, cow's milk is recommended.
They make convenient snacks once your baby can bite and chew, but it won't take many to satisfy your little one's appetite, leaving no room for nutrient-rich foods. Also, just as eating sweet things can help babies develop a sweet tooth, eating salty things can give them a "salty tooth." The survey presented at the 2009 ADA conference found that nearly three-quarters of toddlers and preschoolers get more than the recommended daily amount of sodium.
The ever-popular fish-shaped crackers fall into this category. "What a waste of calories in a snack," says Brown. "Fruit slices are a much better choice." And if you're looking for an instant grab-and-go snack, low-sugar cereals have more nutritional value than crackers, she says.
People define processed foods in different ways, but in general, the more the food is modified from what was originally caught, raised, or grown – and the longer the list of ingredients – the more processed the food. With heavy processing, foods often lose significant nutritional value and gain unhealthy additives.
"The more processed the food, the more nutritional value tends to go down, and the more the sugar, salt, and fat content goes up," says Kate Geagan, dietitian and author of Go Green, Get Lean.
The worst processed foods parents serve up are the ones not specifically meant for babies, such as canned pasta, says dietitian Eileen Behan, author of The Baby Food Bible. "They often contain way too much sodium." You're better off boiling up some noodles and topping them with a few crushed tomatoes.
"You'd be surprised at how many people think a gelatin dessert is a wholesome food for babies," says Gerbstadt. Why the misconception? Many people think gelatin contains protein, perhaps because it's made from processed animal bones and cartilage. But it doesn't, says Gerbstadt – at least, not in any significant amount. "What the baby ends up eating is nearly all sugar, artificial color, and artificial flavor, and a trace amount of gelatin to make it wiggly," she says.
True, gelatin is easy to swallow, but then again, so is Gerbstadt's own idea of a healthy dessert: a baked, mashed apple with a sprinkle of cinnamon. "It's naturally sweet and has good fiber, vitamins, and a yummy, smooth texture," she says. "That's what I'd opt for."
嘿 那天正好我们去小牛家玩来着
据说国内自解放后已经很久没有流行结核了 但是近两年由于人口流动 结核又有复发趋势 厉害倒也不觉得 至少我身边没听说谁得了 一般的普通与人交往传染不上的
你们才回来3周 没啥可注意的啦 正常清洁工作就够了 没事的
嘿 那天正好我们去小牛家玩来着
ORANGE ?不是说CITRUS 先不要喂吗?
ORANGE ?不是说CITRUS 先不要喂吗?
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