这么厉害。 我现在走几百米,就喘不过气。速度还慢如牛。
今天才听说东方宝宝比西方宝宝容易出现黄疸。。黄疸含量在生后4-5天达到最高值,之后会降低。朋友提醒我, 生完一周内, 一定要保证宝宝有规律大便, 没有的话, 母乳又跟不上的话, 就一定要上FORMULA。。因为如果真有黄疸只能靠大便排出, 喂奶足才有大便。 喂奶不足, 没有大便, 黄疸素就排不出来, 排不出, 黄疸严重了, 宝宝难受之外,还要去医院进行暖箱照射,扎脚后跟儿等等,宝宝很受罪。 可是母乳喂养的书上都说第一周奶不够没关系, 宝宝不需要那么多, 一丁点就够了。。。之前信心满满的想一定不能上FORMULA, 也许也不完全对, 应该视情况而定。 JMs breastfeeding class 提过这个吗? 打算等我上课的时候问问这个情况。 大便不够的话, 也许应该上formula
Physiologic jaundice affects nearly all newborns to some degree. It is more prevalent in certain ethnic groups, such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Hispanic, and Native Americans. If you define jaundice as bilirubin levels of greater than 10mg/dl, one study found that Japanese newborns were more than three times as likely to be jaundiced as white newborns. Babies who are premature or are low birth weight are more likely to become jaundiced. Babies who don’t feed often enough during the early days, and who don’t stool often, are also more likely to become jaundiced. This underscores the importance of early, frequent feedings. Colostrum (the sticky yellow fluid produced before the milk comes in) acts as a laxative. Bilirubin accumulates in the baby’s stools, and if it isn’t excreted, it re-circulates in his system. Frequent stooling helps lower bilirubin levels.
In the baby with physiologic jaundice, bilirubin levels will usually peak between the third and fifth days of life and are usually less than 12mg/dl. Occasionally they will go higher than 15mg/dl. Most doctors will monitor levels closely during this time, checking the baby’s levels with a blood test, pricking his heel, toe, or finger. If the levels are rapidly rising, or are 20mg/dl or higher (lower levels are used with premature infants), phototherapy is often suggested.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/2 22:00:25编辑过]
pre-registration 被prove了, hospital tour和 birth class也参加了。birth plan也和ob探讨过了。存脐带血也准备就绪了。
床, car seat 都架起来了。 床单,衣服也洗好了。产包也弄好了。头发也剪短了。 海带绿豆汤也喝起来了。
mm, 能给详细说说怎么存脐带血吗?多谢
还舍不得转 每次都里挤牙膏似的拿出来一点
今天才听说东方宝宝比西方宝宝容易出现黄疸。。黄疸含量在生后4-5天达到最高值,之后会降低。朋友提醒我, 生完一周内, 一定要保证宝宝有规律大便, 没有的话, 母乳又跟不上的话, 就一定要上FORMULA。。因为如果真有黄疸只能靠大便排出, 喂奶足才有大便。 喂奶不足, 没有大便, 黄疸素就排不出来, 排不出, 黄疸严重了, 宝宝难受之外,还要去医院进行暖箱照射,扎脚后跟儿等等,宝宝很受罪。 可是母乳喂养的书上都说第一周奶不够没关系, 宝宝不需要那么多, 一丁点就够了。。。之前信心满满的想一定不能上FORMULA, 也许也不完全对, 应该视情况而定。 JMs breastfeeding class 提过这个吗? 打算等我上课的时候问问这个情况。 大便不够的话, 也许应该上formula
Physiologic jaundice affects nearly all newborns to some degree. It is more prevalent in certain ethnic groups, such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Hispanic, and Native Americans. If you define jaundice as bilirubin levels of greater than 10mg/dl, one study found that Japanese newborns were more than three times as likely to be jaundiced as white newborns. Babies who are premature or are low birth weight are more likely to become jaundiced. Babies who don’t feed often enough during the early days, and who don’t stool often, are also more likely to become jaundiced. This underscores the importance of early, frequent feedings. Colostrum (the sticky yellow fluid produced before the milk comes in) acts as a laxative. Bilirubin accumulates in the baby’s stools, and if it isn’t excreted, it re-circulates in his system. Frequent stooling helps lower bilirubin levels.
In the baby with physiologic jaundice, bilirubin levels will usually peak between the third and fifth days of life and are usually less than 12mg/dl. Occasionally they will go higher than 15mg/dl. Most doctors will monitor levels closely during this time, checking the baby’s levels with a blood test, pricking his heel, toe, or finger. If the levels are rapidly rising, or are 20mg/dl or higher (lower levels are used with premature infants), phototherapy is often suggested.
提过 宝宝一定要吃
要的 棉签和70%的酒精 一天要擦无数次的
要的 棉签和70%的酒精 一天要擦无数次的
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