我第一次见ob,就发了医院 pre-register 的表格了。我拖了一阵子再寄出去的。ped 还没找好,很头疼,大家说说是找家附近的ped 好,还是工作附近的ped 好?
Thanks, amigo MM to question what my OB (Actually a stafff in his office) told me. I googled and found out that i was told completely wrong. .
No preparation is required prior to the test. During the test, the mother is asked to drink a sweet liquid (glucose) and then will have blood drawn one hour from having the drink, as blood glucose levels normally peak within one hour. No fasting is required prior to this test.
相信这个世界上没有那么多jp pp的。bless bless。。。。。。。。
I'm so mad to the ppl my OB hired in his office. They've made so many mistakes. I thought about changing several times, but i don't really want to change since it's already half way. My Ob has very good reputation. It's just his staff.
haha, MM is good at positve thinking. :)
the golden necklace doesn't have resale value. Who's going to buy that
I'm so mad to the ppl my OB hired in his office. They've made so many mistakes. I thought about changing several times, but i don't really want to change since it's already half way. My Ob has very good reputation. It's just his staff.
然后,OB说下次去28周,要查血糖了。叫我去的之前多吃点high protein的东西,鸡蛋,花生酱,cheese。但我忘了问,之前可不可以喝牛奶喝水了。有没有人知道啊?
另外,拿了单子做third trimester的3D,看胎盘。阿弥陀佛,希望长上去了。我发现我们这做ultrasound真的时间很久,我问他们这次要多久,他们说45分钟,还让我带着家人,说现在娃娃应该很好看了。我打算带我爸妈去,让他们高兴高兴。
我看中这个rocker。也是fisher price的。
haha, MM is good at positve thinking. :)
the golden necklace doesn't have resale value. Who's going to buy that
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