Hannah's first day in daycare. It is my company's daycare. First day of the fall semester. So probably first day for most of the babies.
I dropped her off at around 9 am. One crying baby was in rocking chair fighting to go to sleep, held by the head teacher Ms. Cookie. Ms Cookie was obviously losing her patience and definitely not the nice lady I had met. One baby was screaming in the little chair with seat belt on. He had the bib on, but not want to eat. One baby sitting on the floor crying too. There were probably 6 babies and at least 4 teachers in the room, most them just helping out int he crazy morning I guess.
Hannah was put on her tummy on the floor, pretty quiet(She never like tummy time.). A student teacher was watching her. Apregnant lady helped me to put he feeding stuff away and Ms Cookie, now got the baby asleep, helped me to pu Hannah's crib sheets and diapers away. I stayed for about half an hour, Hannah was the only happy baby in the room except for the one sleeping in her crib.
After lunch, I stopped by to see Hannah again. She was leaning against a pillow with pacifier in her mouth. ( I am not sure if I should tell the teacher not to use pacifier unless she is sleepy. I pulled out her pacifier and gave her a toy. She started to giggle again and every time a caregiver talked to her, she would looked at her with her smile and giggled...
I do like those young teachers, they know how to talkt to baby much mor than I do. For example, I realized I often asked Hannah"What did you say?" Those yound ladies can always reply Hannah with something.
Hannah: #%%^%^
Hannah: &^#*^$
Teacher: en hm
Me laughed: She really wants to talk!
Teacher: yeah. You got a lot of stories to tell us.
Teacher: Really?
Hannah: en hm
Everybody laughed!
Can any one teach me how to post a picture HERE? Why can't you upload pictures from computer? Where do you put the picture to make a link?
Thanks a lot!
Hannah's first day in daycare. It is my company's daycare. First day of the fall semester. So probably first day for most of the babies.
I dropped her off at around 9 am. One crying baby was in rocking chair fighting to go to sleep, held by the head teacher Ms. Cookie. Ms Cookie was obviously losing her patience and definitely not the nice lady I had met. One baby was screaming in the little chair with seat belt on. He had the bib on, but not want to eat. One baby sitting on the floor crying too. There were probably 6 babies and at least 4 teachers in the room, most them just helping out int he crazy morning I guess.
Hannah was put on her tummy on the floor, pretty quiet(She never like tummy time.). A student teacher was watching her. Apregnant lady helped me to put he feeding stuff away and Ms Cookie, now got the baby asleep, helped me to pu Hannah's crib sheets and diapers away. I stayed for about half an hour, Hannah was the only happy baby in the room except for the one sleeping in her crib.
After lunch, I stopped by to see Hannah again. She was leaning against a pillow with pacifier in her mouth. ( I am not sure if I should tell the teacher not to use pacifier unless she is sleepy. I pulled out her pacifier and gave her a toy. She started to giggle again and every time a caregiver talked to her, she would looked at her with her smile and giggled...
I do like those young teachers, they know how to talkt to baby much mor than I do. For example, I realized I often asked Hannah"What did you say?" Those yound ladies can always reply Hannah with something.
Hannah: #%%^%^
Hannah: &^#*^$
Teacher: en hm
Me laughed: She really wants to talk!
Teacher: yeah. You got a lot of stories to tell us.
Teacher: Really?
Hannah: en hm
Everybody laughed!
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/7 16:38:17编辑过]
昨天就想回复图图妈 , 嫩应该不是奶不够, 可能是要出牙, 今儿来一看嫩已经SOLVE了哈。
大鱼出牙的时候也闹的厉害, 先是猛吃奶, 不吃糊糊, 然后胸喂也不肯吃,饿的直哭, 只好把我半年没用的PUMP找出来,用奶瓶喂, 好在只闹腾了1-2天。
贝贝妈介绍的几个TOY,一半我们这儿没听说过。 昨天火速买了棒球和篮球, 小企鹅现在买是不是太晚了?
闷闷妈, 大鱼也3天2头起风包, 估计和吃的有关。 过敏的时候你怎么给闷闷止痒啊?小人痒的时候就猛抓, 老抓破,我手头只有激素。 前几天在一本美国杂志上看到这个, AMAZON评价还不错, 不知道给娃用CERAMIDE会不会不好? 我记得EA时空胶囊里就是这个东东, 还有MUSTELA的一个湿疹什么油也有这个成分。
pat pat
Can any one teach me how to post a picture HERE? Why can't you upload pictures from computer? Where do you put the picture to make a link?
Thanks a lot!
就是pampers的有各baby dry说管晚上12小时的
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