[此贴子已经被作者于2012/1/19 11:56:33编辑过]
As follow-up to previous messages, I thought I would share this with you. As an aside, I run a fire and EMS consulting company, and evaluate fire departments all of over the US and Canada.
xxxxx, next door to my home, was totaled in the fire last night. No one was injured. The dog was missing. The fire department felt that the fire was too advanced and too dangerous by the time they got there to do an interior attack, so they did what is called "surround and drown", just pouring in water thru holes burned thru and windows. This went on for about 9 hours. What gets missed in the news reports is that the two adjacent houses-- my house and the house on the other side-- were almost surely saved by the fire department, and they possibly saved the woods and many other houses that could have ignited from burning embers. They had an aerial truck pouring water from above. This is an unusually severe result for a fire in an occupied house in the daytime. The cause has not yet been determined, but from the little I heard from what the maid said it may have been electrical. The first houses build in xxxxx had aluminum wiring--not good.
All the neighbors were great in caring and offering support last night. xxxxx and probably the maid was going to a daughter's apartment. They lost everything.
[/replyview][此贴子已经被作者于2012/1/19 12:04:01编辑过]
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