1和2近期准备做,3还在doing research中
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-9-10 21:25:32编辑过]
? Let your baby get comfortable. Ask a new sitter to visit and play with your baby several times before leaving them alone for the first time. For your first real outing, ask the sitter to arrive about 30 minutes before you depart so that she and the baby can be well engaged before you step out the door. Employ the same approach at a daycare center or at your nursery, church, or health club.
? Always say goodbye. Kiss and hug your baby when you leave and tell him where you're going and when you'll be back, but don't prolong your goodbyes.
? Always say goodbye: Part 2. Resist the urge to sneak out the back door. Your baby will only become more upset if he thinks you've disappeared into thin air.
? Keep it light. Your baby is quite tuned in to how you feel, so show your warmth and enthusiasm for the caregiver you've chosen. And don't cry or act upset if your baby starts crying — at least not while he can see you. You'll both get through this. The caregiver will probably tell you later that your baby's tears stopped before you were even out of the driveway.
? Once you leave, leave. Repeated trips back into the house or daycare center to calm your baby will make it harder on you, your child, and the caregiver.
? Try a trial at first. Limit the first night (or afternoon) out to no more than an hour. As you and baby become more familiar with the sitter or the surroundings of a childcare setting, you can extend your outings.
? Spend some extra cuddle time with your baby before bed by reading, snuggling, and softly singing together.
? If your baby cries for you after you've put him to bed, it's fine to go to him — both to reassure him and to reassure yourself that he's okay. But make your visits "brief and boring," and he'll learn to fall back to sleep without a lot of help from you. Eventually, he'll be able to fall asleep on his own.
What if nothing seems to work?
Babies have different personalities, so some will experience more severe bouts of separation anxiety than others. If your child can't be comforted using simple measures, it's time to reevaluate.
? Take a second look at your sitter or daycare center. The person or center may be a mismatch for your baby if he continues to become anxious and weepy when you leave.
? Leave your baby with a relative or someone he knows well for 15-minute periods, working your way up to one hour. Your baby can then learn that when you leave you'll return, without having the added stress of being with someone unfamiliar.
? Reevaluate your goodbye pattern. Do you sneak out when your baby isn't looking? Do you make it seem like you're going off to war? Do you slowly back down the walk waving and crying until your baby's out of sight? A simple "see you later, alligator" followed by a quick hug and a kiss can do wonders for an anxious child. Your actions show your baby that leaving isn't big deal, and that you'll be home again soon.
所謂的分離焦慮會發生的時間不是只有嬰兒時期喔. 只是寶寶們還不會用言語表達, 所以大人只是覺得這段時期的小孩很難哄,一定是撞邪要帶去收驚. 這段時間寶寶的 行為表現, 就是一個黏字可以形容。一定要有一個他信任的人在身邊陪伴, 要不就會感到強烈不安, 哭鬧到一個不行. 其實這就像是我們小時候, 剛剛去上學時只要媽媽要跟我們說再見, 要丟下我們自己在學校上課, 我們就會突然有一種很不安感, 有些小孩會大哭, 有些小孩會忍著乖乖跟媽媽說BYEBYE, 也有些會根本知道要去上學就給你在家就裝肚子痛等等.
這種行為基本上每個小孩都要經歷過這段, 這與寶寶的認知有關. 因為隨著他們年齡慢慢越來越大, 寶寶開始有他的記憶力去分辨自己媽媽跟陌生人有何分別. 而伴隨來的焦慮也會慢慢形成. 你可以說小孩子有在長智慧, 所以才會有這種行為. 唉........都說人越大煩惱越多囉...原來寶寶也是一樣的啦.
1. 在寶寶有這種症狀開始時,最好就是在他需要你時馬上出現在他面前, 能立刻飛去就飛去, 我是會先發出聲音讓他知道我在趕過去了. 我是會盡量讓他一直看到我, 甚至連我上廁所我都把它放在他的玩具車車裡一邊跟他玩一邊尿尿. (我是真的這樣喔....) 一段時間之後, 當他知道他每次CALL你你都會馬上出現, 他就比較不會那麼黏了, 因為他會對你產生某程度的信任感, 相信你不會丟下他一個人不理. 所以初期開始是比較辛苦一點說.
2. 上面文章是有說到, 要是你可能要回去上班, 一定要把寶寶留給他信任的人. 要是沒辦法把寶寶留給他認識的人, 最好你先在旁邊觀察他與這個即將照顧者的相處狀況
那对父母简直当不起父母这两个字,对孩子太不上心了,做朋友也很差,不过lz mm估计还是不想撕破脸吧
差点忘了,下去前问一下,买的那个nursery water, 说是加了氟,不知道有没有关系?
应该要加氟的吧,不是说提倡给宝宝喝过滤过的tap water就是因为里面有氟吗?
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