以下是引用springy在1/26/2010 8:03:00 PM的发言:
其实瓶装水反而没有tap water 安全。tap water都是按照饮用水标准来的,瓶装水至今没有标准,市场完全不规范。
其实瓶装水反而没有tap water 安全。tap water都是按照饮用水标准来的,瓶装水至今没有标准,市场完全不规范。
我就觉得瓶装水是hy人的, 很久没买了, 在家都喝凉白开, 不过我也常忘喝水, 觉得渴了才喝
我听说的也是这样. 阿姨两年前带的一个娃, 就是吃手, 生病没停过. 现在搞得全家都中耳炎, 吃抗生素.
我觉得还是白开水最好, 大家看:
Key Differences Between EPA Tap Water and FDA Bottled Water Rules | ||||||||||||
Note: To print this chart, in the Print dialogue box choose Properties and Paper and set to Legal and Landscape and click OK; under Print Range choose "from 1 to 1" and click OK (this will print one page and lock in settings); then use Print Preview to determine which page(s) to print. | ||||||||||||
Water Type | Disinfection Required? | Confirmed E. Coli & Fecal Coliform Banned? | Testing Frequency for Bacteria? | Must Filter to Remove Pathogens, or Have Strictly Protected Source? | Must Test for Crypto-sporidium, Giardia, Viruses? | Testing Frequency for Most Synthetic Organic Chemicals? | Operator Must be Trained & Certified? | Must Test for and Meet Standards for Asbestos & Phthalate? | Must Use Certified Labs to Do Testing? | Must Report Violations to State, Feds? | Regulated allowable levels of heavy metalse | Consumer Right to Know About Contam-ination? |
Bottled Water | No | No | 1/week | Noa | No | 1/year | No | No | No | No | 5ppm lead | No |
Carbonated or Seltzer Water | No | No | None | No | No | None | No | No | No | No | N/A | No |
Big Cityb Tap Water (using surface water) | Yes | Yes | Hundreds/ month | Yes | Yes | 1/quarter (limited waivers available if clean source) | Yesc | Yes (though limited waivers available if clean source) | Yes | Yes | 15ppm lead | Yes |
Small Townd Tap Water (using a well) | No (though new rule in 2002 will require if needed) | Yes | 20/month | No (unless subject to surface contamination) | No | 1/quarter (waivers available if clean source) | Yesc | Yes (though waivers available if clean source) | Yes | Yes | 15ppm lead | Yes |
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/26 20:56:50编辑过]
你们家是大田用6号吗?我在想燕子用到5号就差不多了吧。下来就potty training吧。
我觉得还是白开水最好, 大家看:
Key Differences Between EPA Tap Water and FDA Bottled Water Rules | ||||||||||||
Note: To print this chart, in the Print dialogue box choose Properties and Paper and set to Legal and Landscape and click OK; under Print Range choose "from 1 to 1" and click OK (this will print one page and lock in settings); then use Print Preview to determine which page(s) to print. | ||||||||||||
Water Type | Disinfection Required? | Confirmed E. Coli & Fecal Coliform Banned? | Testing Frequency for Bacteria? | Must Filter to Remove Pathogens, or Have Strictly Protected Source? | Must Test for Crypto-sporidium, Giardia, Viruses? | Testing Frequency for Most Synthetic Organic Chemicals? | Operator Must be Trained & Certified? | Must Test for and Meet Standards for Asbestos & Phthalate? | Must Use Certified Labs to Do Testing? | Must Report Violations to State, Feds? | Regulated allowable levels of heavy metalse | Consumer Right to Know About Contam-ination? |
Bottled Water | No | No | 1/week | Noa | No | 1/year | No | No | No | No | 5ppm lead | No |
Carbonated or Seltzer Water | No | No | None | No | No | None | No | No | No | No | N/A | No |
Big Cityb Tap Water (using surface water) | Yes | Yes | Hundreds/ month | Yes | Yes | 1/quarter (limited waivers available if clean source) | Yesc | Yes (though limited waivers available if clean source) | Yes | Yes | 15ppm lead | Yes |
Small Townd Tap Water (using a well) | No (though new rule in 2002 will require if needed) | Yes | 20/month | No (unless subject to surface contamination) | No | 1/quarter (waivers available if clean source) | Yesc | Yes (though waivers available if clean source) | Yes | Yes | 15ppm lead | Yes |
恩,我也记得哪看的说烧开的tape water比较好。 思齐妈有专研精神。
你们家是大田用6号吗?我在想燕子用到5号就差不多了吧。下来就potty training吧。
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