I gave Iris motrin at 6pm yesterday, Iris' temperature went down to normal. But at 3:30am this morning, her temperature went back to 104.2F. I am so scared. I just can't sleep. I am waiting for the clinic to open at 8:30am to bring her to see the doctor.
Bless my dearest Iris! Mom can't live without you. I'd rather live 10 years less if you can get well.
I gave Iris motrin at 6pm yesterday, Iris' temperature went down to normal. But at 3:30am this morning, her temperature went back to 104.2F. I am so scared. I just can't sleep. I am waiting for the clinic to open at 8:30am to bring her to see the doctor.
Bless my dearest Iris! Mom can't live without you. I'd rather live 10 years less if you can get well.
I gave Iris motrin at 6pm yesterday, Iris' temperature went down to normal. But at 3:30am this morning, her temperature went back to 104.2F. I am so scared. I just can't sleep. I am waiting for the clinic to open at 8:30am to bring her to see the doctor.
Bless my dearest Iris! Mom can't live without you. I'd rather live 10 years less if you can get well.
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/1/6 10:29:19编辑过]
I gave Iris motrin at 6pm yesterday, Iris' temperature went down to normal. But at 3:30am this morning, her temperature went back to 104.2F. I am so scared. I just can't sleep. I am waiting for the clinic to open at 8:30am to bring her to see the doctor.
Bless my dearest Iris! Mom can't live without you. I'd rather live 10 years less if you can get well.
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/1/6 11:05:20编辑过]
I gave Iris motrin at 6pm yesterday, Iris' temperature went down to normal. But at 3:30am this morning, her temperature went back to 104.2F. I am so scared. I just can't sleep. I am waiting for the clinic to open at 8:30am to bring her to see the doctor.
Bless my dearest Iris! Mom can't live without you. I'd rather live 10 years less if you can get well.
I gave Iris motrin at 6pm yesterday, Iris' temperature went down to normal. But at 3:30am this morning, her temperature went back to 104.2F. I am so scared. I just can't sleep. I am waiting for the clinic to open at 8:30am to bring her to see the doctor.
Bless my dearest Iris! Mom can't live without you. I'd rather live 10 years less if you can get well.
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