以下是引用lilopop在5/12/2011 11:14:00 AM的发言:
不可以。所以如果bid到suite运气很好可以指定hotel ?
可以指定hotel ?
可以指定hotel ?
no,any of the three. But no refund if you don't go. That's the risk.
only one person reported getting the bid fromthat hotel. So the chances are low. Most likely it's from marriott penn square.
no,any of the three. But no refund if you don't go. That's the risk.
only one person reported getting the bid fromthat hotel. So the chances are low. Most likely it's from marriott penn square.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/12 11:53:38编辑过]
去一次很快阿。一个周末足够了。周五下午5点前philly stop 照相,然后到NJ睡觉。第二天自由女神坐船,然后华尔街,时 髦一直, 中央公园,联合国,回到时代广场,回家。
去一次很快阿。一个周末足够了。周五下午5点前philly stop 照相,然后到NJ睡觉。第二天自由女神坐船,然后华尔街,时 髦一直, 中央公园,联合国,回到时代广场,回家。
去一次很快阿。一个周末足够了。周五下午5点前philly stop 照相,然后到NJ睡觉。第二天自由女神坐船,然后华尔街,时 髦一直, 中央公园,联合国,回到时代广场,回家。
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