That's a lot. with 4 of us, we usually bring dessert or wine or Duck($15) then a $20 toy if they have kid.
If 2 kids, then 2 toys w/o dishes.
so w/ 4 of us, usually about $35 to $40.
When my parents are here. we gave both dessert, wine and toy, so total about $50 - $60
Now my zt does the "onion oil pancake" or "sesami big pancake" pretty well, we add that to our list. But those are cheap, only require time and effort
ai, last time our house warming party, one 6 people family (2 kids, 4 adults), bought over one dish (potstickers). I was kinda shocked.
I missed my single younger days. 聚聚means going out to eat. so much less trouble. then just kareoke or play cards afterward
and lobster or fresh shrimps always buy one get one free.
but my mom said those deals are less now.
but lunch special always so cheap
i feel montesorri seems better in this regard.
in my lele's old daycare, i see kids push each other all the time.
but this school, don't really see much pushing. they are very strict about that.
haha that's so cute
after my daycare teacher complain about lele's pants, i have bought so many. but i realized all the jeans are so easy to tear on the knee area. so far all 3 jeans lasted a month.
but the corduray or fleece so much better
and lobster or fresh shrimps always buy one get one free.
but my mom said those deals are less now.
but lunch special always so cheap
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/2/9 17:50:01编辑过]
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