录像, 话说小晴象双鱼座的小女生, 太温柔了.
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 5.0
比起數學, 我看很多家長更在意 phonics.
比起數學, 我看很多家長更在意 phonics.
haha, i think so. and i know you are 双鱼座 too, and you are very 温柔
haha, i think so. and i know you are 双鱼座 too, and you are very 温柔
我們還沒去過呢. 你們下月哪時去? 我們9/15那星期去LA婚禮, 會去一趟
我們還沒去過呢. 你們下月哪時去? 我們9/15那星期去LA婚禮, 會去一趟
i thought you guys went there before. remember you were talking about discount tickets once, maybe i was wrong....brain doesnt work so well as you age:(
we havent decided time yet, maybe the week after labor day. I will let you know. would be great if we can go together!
i thought you guys went there before. remember you were talking about discount tickets once, maybe i was wrong....brain doesnt work so well as you age:(
we havent decided time yet, maybe the week after labor day. I will let you know. would be great if we can go together!
本来要去, 后来决定去legoland了.
labor day后一周是晴晴生日呢. 想在那周日9/9给他办party.
我们可能会是13就下去, 14号周五趁weekday先去玩, 周六去婚礼. 還沒確定呢
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/8/1 18:00:02编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/8/1 18:05:59编辑过]
4:50這種schedule 完全不可能啊.
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